Because of you.

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~At the party~

Everyone was trying to hug the couple when they were done being congratulated Alma stood in the middle of the room "I would like to say some words, I would like to say I'm glad someone finally took Yoongi off the market because god he is getting old, Kidding but I am glad that it's Taehyung who captured my brother's heart, and I want to tell you Taehyung that I will always be here for you, we might not be blood but we are family and I couldn't be happier about that".

Everyone applaud as she passed the mic to Hoseok "what can I say, first of all, congratulations, I want you two to know I feel proud to be here, to be able to witness two halves of a whole coming together, I honestly couldn't imagine someone better for either of you, I think you guys really belong together" with a big smile on his face he passed the mic to Jin "you crazy kids, I am really intrigued by your relationship, because after spending more time with you guys and speaking to Taehyung I realized how much you guys complement each other, I think you guys have a beautiful relationship and I know it will only grow stronger now".

Namjoon got up and took the mic from Jin "when I first heard about you two I thought you guys were crazy, at one point I even thought you guys were rushing into this too quickly but as time went by I started noticing how good you guys were together, then not long after that I realized neither of you could find someone better, you guys truly have an amazing relationship" Yoongi took Taehyung's hand under the table quizzing it lightly.

Jimin took the mic and stood "you two have taught me more about love and family than I realize, to see Yoongi Hyung smiling and laughing is a gift given to all of us by Taehyung, and to see Taehyung be confident and loud is a contribution from Hyung, you guys bring out the best in each other and I hope everyone here reaches the level of love and respect you guys have for each other" Jimin's lip began to titch as he tried to keep the tears at the back of his eyes.

Jungkook stood next to Jimin and said "you two are an inspiration to me, it's been a blessing for me to see you two grow into a beautiful loving couple, I feel like both of you are my family and I'm glad you two will be sharing your lives together and I hope you two will always look at each other the same way you do now, with love and respect for each other and I want to say I love you guys" Jungkook took Jimin's hand and as they looked at each other they began to cry.

Taehyung and Yoongi got up and grabbed their own mics the Hyung began "I want to thank everyone for being here, we chose all of you carefully because everyone in this room is someone we consider family, thinking back on it now, Jimin I know you and I don't get along all the time but I want to thank you, if it weren't for you Alma would have never seen Tae and if Alma wouldn't have seen Tae she couldn't introduce me to him and I wouldn't be as happy and In love as I am now so thank you" Jimin nodded and smiled widely.

"I also want to thank everyone for being here, and I want to thank noona Alma for introducing me to Yoongi and for helping me plan all of this, I also want to thank eomma and appa for welcoming me into their family with open arms, you accepted me from the start and made me feel loved and cared for" Taehyung couldn't hold his tears anymore but he continued "thanks to you I have a wonderful life and a family to rely on, I also want to thank you for raising Yoongi to be a gentleman someone who is loving, kind and passionate" Jungkook gave them the mic.

"we're the ones who should be thanking you Taehyung~ah, we've never seen our son this happy, he carries himself with respect and happiness and how can he not? when you are enough to light up his whole world" Yoongi's mother said "I have gained another son, and I am glad someone as loving as you are is Yoongi's husband, now that I see him here smiling I realize he turned out wonderfully and you being next to him proves it" the father said smiling up at them.

After they danced with everyone, and then together Yoongi walked towards Jimin and Taehyung "excuse me but I think Tae and I should get going" the younger looked at his husband and smiled at Jimin as he took Yoongi's hand "We'll see you later Jimin Hyung" the couple began to walk out of the building "thank god, I've been looking forward to this moment" Yoongi said. They continued to walk down the steps before they got in the car the sound of a motorcycle came rushing in Carlos got down and walked towards the couple.

He smiled at them and handed Yoongi the keys "there's one waiting for you back home" Yoongi nodded "thank you Hyung" he said "your welcome now go!" he told them and watched at Yoongi and Taehyung climbed onto the bike.

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