Not just me.

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                                                                     ~ Taehyung's P.O.V~

     I didn't know what to feel when Yoongy Hyung opened his eyes and saw me, I could feel his eyes on me, I knew it was him but actually being here is different then what I imagined.  When he asked me what I wanted to know I didn't know what to respond so I just said "everything"  but a second later I said, "but I guess the most important question is, are you okay that it's me? You can tell me if it's not" He shifts in his seat "yes, I don't mind that it's you, I know Alma trusts you and we have the same friends".

    I don't know if they still consider me a friend, it's been so long since I've spoken with them, but I just nod and continue to ask the next question "why do you need a husband?" he was silent for a couple of seconds so I was worried I asked the wrong question " Because I'm impulsive and my half brother said me being gay shamed the family, I got angry and decided I wanted the company" marrying me is an act of retaliation, I can see that, and I don't mind.

     "I'm sorry Hyung but your brother sounds like an asshole, " I say "trust me Taehyung he is but call him Young-Sik" I nod " Anything else you want to know?" he asked "Hyung I have a lot of questions I suggest you get comfortable" he gives me the smallest hint of a smile and sits up "okay" I bit my lip as I'm thinking "uh do you have a boyfriend?" he swallows hard and shift again "no, I broke up with him a month or two ago" Thank god I hated him "what about you?" how do I explain ? 

     "I do, but our relationship's been dead for a while now, so I was going to ask you if you could drive me to his apartment so I can officially break things off with him" he nods "sure, we should probably go now" he stands up, and I follow him.  His taste in music is remarkably similar to mine. "Hyung I like your playlist"  suddenly he smiles, one of those smiles that show his teeth and I lower the volume. "Hyung, you have such a nice smile".  He looks at me for a second but turns to face the road again I could have sworn I saw him blush despite the low light.

   When we arrived at the apartment complex, I take a deep breath "take my number, and text me if anything happens" I'm worried now that I'm here, what if he tries to get physical? "I don't have a phone Hyung, but I'll be back quickly" my hands are shaking as I open the truck's door "be careful Taehyung~ah" I nod and walk towards the building, I hope he is here because after today I can't see him anymore. 

    I knock and a part of me is hoping he isn't here, a part of me hopes that he could love me again but the other part of me hates everything he did to me, hates who I've become since I've been with him. The door opens when he looks at me I know this won't turn out good "where were you?" he asks but his voice is filled with poison "I just came to say that I want to break up, because neither of us is happy, and I don't want to be here anymore".

   He opens the door wider and  grabs onto my face." who do you think you are?" I try to push him away but he holds me tighter "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore, I don't want you to hurt me" he laughs and I can almost feel it in my bones "and what are you going to do? where are you going to go?" he arches his brow as he eyes me "please let me go," I say.

   "Taehyung you're a piece of trash, the only reason I didn't throw you out before is because I pity you because your so worthless I doubt anyone else is going to want you" I swallow and try to get him off me but fail to do so I don't have the strength,he  lets me go but when I'm about to walk out he punches me in the corner of my lips, the taste of iron runs through my mouth "If you walk out that door your dead" I can't stay here, I have to run I don't belong to him and Yoongi Hyung is waiting for me.

   I walk out of the door,  Dong-Hyun takes my wrist but I turn around and punch him in the face "your wrong someone is waiting for me out there" he tries to throw a punch but I dodge, I have to fight back now because it's not just me anymore,  I have to fight back because I can't let people think Yoongi Hyung abuses his fiance. I pull my hand from Dong-Hyun's grip  and begin to run but Dong-Hyun is behind me, I run to Hyung's truck and when I look behind I see that Dong-Hyun is a couple of steps behind me, but I open the truck's door and get it, I turn to Hyung "we need to go"  I feel the tears burning on the back of my eyes but I can't cry right now, not in front of Hyung, but my tears betray me as a tear slides down into my bloody lips.

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