My Tears.

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   When I walk inside the room, it's clear it belongs to someone else. There are pictures everywhere, pictures of noona, pictures of her smiling, crying, making funny faces, and photos of her with Hoseok hyung. Then there are pictures of Jungkook and Jimin, but the best one is  a picture of Jimin's legs wrapped around Jungkook's waist his hands were around Jimin Hyung's waist, and Hyung's right hand was on Jungkook's cheek while the other one had a small flower pressed against Jungkook's nose who was smiling widely.

    The next one was a picture beside the bed, it's a photo of a pale man hugging noona, his features were sharp yet soft with intriguing dark eyes and full lips. I know this man. Yoongi Hyung was Alma's brother; this must be his room.

  I went to wash my face but when I did the makeup was gone, and now the purple bruises were visible, I can still remember last night, he walked in and I was cleaning up but when I heard him shut the door I was startled and accidentally dropped a cup I was holding, he rolled his eyes but walked towards me, not remembering the glass on the floor he stepped on a piece.

 He got so mad, and I kept apologizing, but he grabbed me and pushed me to the ground he began kicking me. I wanted to scream and tell him to stop but it happened before, and every time I cried the beatings got worse, I know he got annoyed because I'm forgetful and clumsy but being around him made it worse because I knew if I messed up be would hit me. I don't know if I stayed because I loved him or because he is all I have left.

  I started feeling the tears burn in my eyes, and because I was alone, I finally let them fall. I don't know what time I managed to fall asleep. In the morning, when I woke up, there were soft knocks on the door "yes?" I said "Sorry to bother you sir, but Ms.Alma would like you to join her for breakfast" I quickly got up "Thank you, I'll be down soon" I have no makeup, and I know she is going to get worried, but I can't do anything about it.

    I saw her cringe at my sight it wasn't pronounced but I saw it "Good morning Taehyung~ah"  "good morning" she didn't mention anything about my bruises, I was thankful for that.  We were quietly eating breakfast when she got a phone call. "I'm sorry Suga, do you want me to go with you?....I'll be there as quickly as I can". She quickly got up "hey, ugh Taehyung~ah I need to go but do you want to go somewhere?" she asked "yes, I need to go to work noona" she nodded and waved her hand at a  man.

   He wasn't much taller than me. A pair of dimples appeared when he smiled at me. "I'll take you where you need to go" I nodded and told him where the ice cream shop is "Thank you sir" I said. When we go there "your welcome kid and call me hyung" I nodded and thanked him again before running to the ice cream shop.

        I know kind of a boring Chapter, but it's kind of  critical  later on, anyways don't be discouraged things are about to get interesting.

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