Chapter 7

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Just gotta say Jessie here is not the kpop idol jessie.

She looks somthing like this

She looks somthing like this

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Chapter 7


Jimin grabbed his phone from his pocket to check whether or not there was new message from Yoongi, but of course there wasn't. They hadn't exchanged a word since three days ago and Jimin was pretty sure he had fucked up.

Maybe he shouldn't have admitted to having a problem with the whole gay thing. But then again, why wouldn't he? He always spoke his mind and never really cared if that meant he lost some of his 'friends' along the way.

But still, it bothered him with Yoongi. Maybe because he knew that whatever he and Yoongi had was actually real. Yeah sure, they weren't friends yet, but at least nothing about the way they talked was superficial. It wasn't about looks, it wasn't about money, it wasn't about attention.

There was absolutely nothing Yoongi could gain from talking to him and that's what made this special. Because for once in his life, Jimin knew for sure that this wasn't about using him.

Yoongi had absolutely no reason to continue talking to him if Jimin fucked up. No reason to keep the talking going. And that's apparently what had happened.

Jimin had said something offensive and Yoongi, who had absolutely no obligations of enduring Jimin's bullshit, had decided not to message him again. Jimin closed his eyes, sighing and putting his hands on the steering wheel of his car.

His thoughts were interrupted by a hand knocking on the passenger seat window. Jimin pressed the button underneath the steering wheel to unlock the door and a sweaty Taehyung entered the car in just his training shorts and a t-shirt. "Thanks for picking me up."

"No problem. You look good. Gaining muscle works." He backed out of the parking space, checking for any incoming cars. "I'm guessing you wanna go home first to shower?"

Taehyung nodded and glanced out of the window, watching as they passed by their college. They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes before Taehyung spoke up. "Is Jessie coming today?"

"No idea. She hardly calls me aside from when she's horny."

"Thought so. She mentioned she may be coming. Apparently the birthday party is for a friend of hers."

"By the way. You're allowed to go? What about Mina? Isn't she like the jealous type and stuff? I don't remember you going to a party in months." Jimin asked, pulling into the garage of Taehyung's apartment tower.

"Piece of shit cheated on me."

"Poor thing. It's said that people tend to be paranoid about stuff like that if they'd do it, so I guess there is some truth to that."

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