Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


"So, what did you wanna say that will clearly change my mind?" Jungkook asked, crossing his arms over his chest, Taehyung in front of him. "Because I'm pretty damn sure I will not fuck one of my coworkers. No goddamn way."

Taehyung sighed, running his hand through his hair. "You didn't answer my question. How much is a night?"

"I don't count nights. It's hours. From the moment I enter the guy's place until I leave." Jungkook said, still looking as if he was ready to fight Taehyung if he decided to act up. His muscles were moving underneath his sleeves and Taehyung couldn't help but be ever so slightly distracted by the sight.

"And I'm gonna keep asking. How much?" He finally got a grip, crossing his arms and mirroring Jungkook's attitude. He really couldn't help but wonder what had led to Jungkook disliking him. Apart from being a bit of a spoiled asshole, Taehyung hadn't done anything to upset Jungkook. Actually, the truth was that Jungkook was pretty much the first person to boss him around in years. Or at least succeeding.

"150 dollars an hour." Jungkook stated and Taehyung nodded.

"I'm willing to pay five times the amount under some small conditions." Jungkook was pretty damn good at masking his surprise, but Taehyung didn't fail to notice how his eyes widened for a short second before he quickly went back to acting uninterested and annoyed.

"And what would those be?" He asked, and Taehyung was pretty impressed how well Jungkook was at hiding what he was thinking. He had a perfect poker face as well as complete control over his voice.

"As long as we have this deal, you're not allowed to have any other customers. I'm really not all that fond of sharing." Taehyung stated, and he could see annoyance flame up in Jungkook's eyes. At least one emotion he didn't hide.

"That idea is bullshit. Sorry, but I need money, even if you're not in the mood to do something." Jungkook stated and Taehyung chuckled.

"We can make a set amount of two thousand that goes to your account once a month under the condition that you don't sleep with anyone else." Taehyung suggested, provoking Jungkook to say something against it.

In clear hesitance, Jungkook bit his lip, glancing around the room and probably calculating. When he looked back at Taehyung, he seemed to have made his decision.

"It bothers the fuck out of me that you just throw money around like it's nothing." Jungkook stated in clear disgust, before clearly reluctantly continuing. "And deal. But I don't need that much. One thousand to my bank account at the beginning of the month and 250 per hour. If the additional amount doesn't add up to 1500 by the end of a month, I'm ending it." Jungkook declared, and Taehyung nodded.

Not saying another word, Jungkook turned around and went back to work, but hesitated just before disappearing behind one of the shelves. He turned around, looking a lot less threatening than he did before. Just a bit worried. "And don't mention or do anything at work."

With those words, he finally disappeared and Taehyung leaned against the shelves. His heart was beating heavily in his chest.

He had no clue why he had even suggested that. It had been a spur of the moment's decision.

Not that he didn't have the money to pay. Just...he wasn't really sure how to handle this, either. The main reason he had done it was because he'd realized he was quite attracted to Jungkook and he actually liked the boy. Liking wasn't the right word...more so, respected him.

And that way, he'd get his chance to maybe have the boy talk to him without being all distant and shit. Another perk was that he would have someone who didn't exactly try to use him behind his back, more like, in front of him. That was an upgrade right?

"So..." Taehyung quickly went and grabbed the sweater Jungkook was about to pull off and toss over his head as they entered the apartment. "Not now." He quickly said and Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and hid his toned stomach under the warm fabric again.

"Is there something you wanna ask me about it before we start? Just ask. You're new to this thing, right?" Jungkook asked with a certain coldness. Polite but distant.

"I am, but I don't really have any questions. There was something I forgot to mention earlier about the deal and would like to add." Taehyung stated, sitting down on the sofa. Jungkook followed him over and Taehyung didn't miss the quick glance he sent towards his watch. "Go ahead."

Businessman, it seemed.

"You're not allowed to lie to me. No matter about what." Taehyung stated, and there was certain stiffness that went back into Jungkook's limbs.

"I'm not gonna tell you everything about me. I have stuff I don't want others to know either." Jungkook stated, crossing his arms.

Taehyung leant back. "Don't get me wrong. I'm not telling you to share everything about yourself. I just don't want you to lie to my face. I'm alright if you say you don't want to answer. Just don't make something up to make me think I know. I hate that kind of behavior. If I catch you lying, I'm the one ending this deal." Taehyung stated and Jungkook nodded slowly.

"Okay, that's reasonable. I get that one. Anything else?" Jungkook asked, moving a bit closer, now standing right in front of Taehyung, who was comfortable on the huge sofa. Honestly, the boy was quite impressed that Jungkook seemed to not even send glances toward the interior of the place.

Usually, whenever Taehyung had guests over, they would search every part of the apartment and stare out of the huge windows for a solid five minutes before they were back to being able to talk.

"Are you not gonna say anything about the apartment?" Taehyung asked, but Jungkook shook his head.

"It's not my place and I'm not planning on staying here for long. Getting comfortable around a place like this would mean that I'd stop appreciating my apartment." Jungkook stated, not looking anywhere but at Taehyung.

Maybe this wasn't going to work all that well after all. Jungkook was pretty much everything but a normal person right now.

Probably in work mode.

Taehyung got up from the soft couch and walked towards his bedroom. "Come with me."

Nodding shortly Jungkook followed him. How boring. The last thing Taehyung wanted right now was an emotionless doll...that was something he could have for free.

Not that he was going to cancel this whole thing. He just really hoped that Jungkook would grow more comfortable around him soon.

He actually liked the level of sass and self-confidence he seemed to carry around at work.

"Take a bath. That's the bathroom." Taehyung stated, dropping onto his bed before pointing at the door that was on the wall on his right side.

Jungkook did look a bit offended for a second, but seemed to swallow his pride and just nodded before entering the bathroom.

Taehyung breathed out, closing his eyes. This was going to be something, at least. He just really wasn't sure how it was going to turn out.


Tae buying a male prostitute even though he doesn't even consider himself gay will never not be funny😂

But he just wants a friend😭

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