Chapter 97

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Chapter 97


"How do I look?" Brushing his hand one last time over the way too expensive material of the button up he was wearing, Yoongi turned around to Jimin.

"Your hair is such a mess. Let me help you." In just a second Jimin was standing next to him, carefully running his hands through Yoongi's hair, parting it properly. "You suck at styling it yourself."

"Isn't being into styling your hair a gay thing?"

"And fucking you isn't gay? Also it's a rich thing too... there you go. Looks way better." He ran his hands through it one last time, before dropping them by his sides and taking in all of Yoongi's experience. "You look good. I'm surprised my clothes fit you."

"They are a bit loose. I just have broader shoulders than you by nature and you have muscles. It's balanced I guess." He turned back to the mirror once again fumbling around with the fabric of his shirt. He certainly didn't feel the most comfortable in Jimin's clothes but he didn't have much of a choice in this case.

"You sure this looks okay?"

Sighing Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist. "Yeah it does. You look really good trust me."

"Do we really have to go?" Yoongi complained.

"We don't have to, but I want you to come with me. You might even have more fun than I will, you know. At least there won't be any gold diggers waiting around every corner for you." Jimin muttered against Yoongi's shoulder before kissing his way up to Yoongi's ear. "Please? Do it for me?"

Yoongi turned around in Jimin's embrace. "I will, you already know. I just feel like they will fucking smell that I don't belong there."

"Most of them smell like they don't belong there. No one is going to say a thing, especially with me and Jessie around." Jimin tried reassuring, before turning Yoongi around again to face the mirror. "Look at yourself." Yoongi did. He was wearing loose black pants, a belt that looked too expensive and a black button up that was straining around his shoulders while flapping ridiculously in the air around his waist.

"You look amazing. Better than 99% of the people there me excluded of course." Jimin joked running his fingers over Yoongi's waist before tucking the loose ends of the buttom up into his pants and smoothing them down. "Trust me on that okay?"

Yoongi let out a sigh. "I do. It's just I hate that kind of crowd."

"It's not as bad as you think. The people who made it to the top are usually either slimy as fuck, psychos or what is the most common intelligent. When you end up involved in a conversation with someone like that it can actually turn out to be fun too." Yoongi could still feel Jimin's hands resting against his waist, during the pep talk. "We're in this together. I will protect you."

Yoongi chuckled. "Thanks. I will protect you against any gold diggers as well as I can."

"And I will protect you against... no idea to be honest. Forced social interactions?"

"Sounds great." Yoongi chuckled, running his hand through his hair one last time. He was fucking nervous about this, but he was sure it was going to work out in the end. "Let's do this."

Not long after they were sitting in Jimin's, still way to expensive car, driving towards one of the outer parts of Seoul. They were listening to one of the tracks Namjoon had recently released.

"So what do I have to expect?" Yoongi asked, leaning back in his seat watching buildings flash by. He still didn't feel the most comfortable in these clothes, but at least he didn't spend every second thinking about it and he had to admit that they were damn comfortable.

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