Chapter 60

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Chapter 60


„How do you feel?" Jungkook asked, falling into pace next to him. He had just come back from a nearby café and brought Yoongi a drink the older had asked for.

"I'm okay. Another day locked in at home would have made me go insane." Yoongi joked, pushing his bangs out of his face, grabbing the drink and taking a sip. "Aren't you happy to have me back?" He joked before making a short grimace at the stinging in his chest.

"Be careful, okay?" Jungkook begged softly, reaching for Yoongi's backpack and pulling it onto his own back. "And let me carry that."

"Awww so sweet. I didn't even know you like that? Don't you want to go back to being the brat you used to be?" Yoongi joked taking another sip, almost burning his tongue, while Jungkook grimaced. "Sorry for being a decent human being."

"Decent human being? What's that?" Yoongi teased, turning around and smiling at him, while lifting the cup in his direction. "Thanks for the drink by the way."

Rolling his eyes Jungkook moved along. "Yeah yeah, love you too."

When they reached the entry of the cafeteria Yoongi remembered something... something he should probably give Jungkook a heads up about. "Wait, Jungkook."

Jungkook, who was about to enter the hall, turned around, confused as to why Yoongi had stopped him. "Yeah? What is it?" He took a couple of steps back, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"I want to introduce you to a friend of mine... who also visits this school and I beg you to give him a chance." Yoongi asked, running his hand through his hair while Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Things are a bit complicated. You'll know what I mean once we talk to him, but please don't hate him? At least give him a chance?" Yoongi asked a bit awkwardly and Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"No idea what you're talking about but alright I guess."

Content with his answer Yoongi nodded before grabbing his arm and pulling him into the cafeteria. He'd given a heads up that he'd be back to school today, so the boy was expecting both him and Jungkook... Yoongi had warned him about that as well.

"You're so gonna hate me..." Yoongi muttered under his breath, confusing Jungkook even further.

Not wanting to prolong this any more than necessary he walked over to the table were Jimin was sitting, focused on his phone and not noticing them. He was wearing a plain white shirt today, tight leather pants, had black studs in his ears and his hair was pushed back in a careless manner which probably meant he had spent the whole day running his hand through it over and over again. Yoongi knew Jimin's nervous mannerisms at this point.

"Jimin." Yoongi said when he reached the table, Jungkook having stopped a meter before and looking at him with wide eyes that told him Jungkook had officially declared him as in insane. Yoongi couldn't help but feel the slightest tingle of nervousness. After all he still couldn't know for sure that Jimin wouldn't react differently with all eyes on him, which certainly was the case. Ever since he had said Jimin's name it felt like the volume in the room had gone down and wasn't even half as loud as it had been before.

Jimin looked up, before breaking into the most beautiful and relieving smile Yoongi had seen in a while. "You're here." He stood up grinning, before wrapping his arms around Yoongi. Now he was pretty damn certain the whole room was quiet. Just how much attention did Jimin get around here?

Ignoring the stares for now Yoongi hugged him back, before taking a step back to be able to talk. "Jimin." He said pointing somewhat into Jimin's direction before turning in Jungkook's direction. "Jungkook."

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