Chapter 85

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Chapter 85


„I think that is everything." Yoongi stated, dropping two pillows and some blankets into the trunk of, this time, not Jimin's car. He'd borrowed one of his father's. A black smallish van that still looked way too expensive for Yoongi's taste, but it wasn't like they could have taken his nonexistent car instead.

But it wasn't all that bad. Apparently Jimin's parents had bought that exact car for one reason. Because they had gone camping themselves once, so the car was basically made for sleeping inside of it. It was possible to fold the seats down, which created enough space for two people to sleep not even all that cramped up.

The car itself was creepily unused. Like they had just used it for that one camping trip and then never again, and honestly Yoongi could imagine that. When he'd asked Jimin whether the car was still in use Jimin had just shrugged his shoulders.

"Did I forget anything?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "How would I know? I mean, I packed some stuff for you too, but I do hope you have some spare underwear and all that."

He watched as Jimin widened his eyes, turning around.

"Don't tell me you forgot."

The dramatic half gasp turned into a teasing grin. "No worries, I didn't. I packed clothes, some snacks and my toothbrush and shit like that."

"Well I packed everything else." Yoongi stated, rolling his eyes and closing the trunk. He was already sweating and it wasn't even ten am. At least they would have proper air conditioning in that expensive as fuck car.

"Soooo... are we gonna go now?" It wasn't just Yoongi who was already feeling overheated. There were beads of sweat gathering on Jimin's forehead, cheeks and neck. His black silk t-shirt was sticking to his back and in some places even to his front and his hair was pushed out of his eyes, also somewhat damp. It would have been a pretty attractive sight if Yoongi had been capable of feeling anything but the heat right now. He wanted to hurry up and reach Sangju, their first planned destination, as soon as possible.

"Yeah, we're gonna go." He opened the passenger door and slipped inside the car. A wave of heat greeted him when he did. Even if the car had air conditioning, letting it rest in the parking lot, right there in the summer heat, probably hadn't been the greatest idea.

Jimin got into the driver's seat, reaching for his phone right away and connecting it to the car. Yoongi watched silently as he scrolled through Spotify, searching for something to play.

And then time passed. A lot quicker than Yoongi had ever expected it to pass. They just sat there, Jimin's eyes trained on the street in front of him, talking about small things, such as what they were planning to do the remainder of the summer, the GPS interrupting them every once in a while to tell Jimin to stay on the highway. The conversation carried itself so easily that when Yoongi looked at the time again two hours had already passed.

The only difference from before being that they now were on a smaller street, with trees on each side of the road. They were purposely taking the longer route because it was more beautiful than the monotonous highway.

And then a huge river appeared on their right side. Their first intended location for a rest. They kept driving for a few more minutes before Jimin found an empty parking spot where the sun didn't burn onto.

On their left side there was a small stream that led down into the river.

"So we're in Sangju now?" Yoongi asked, leaving the car. Jimin followed after him.

"Yeah. I mean obviously not in the city center, but still in Sangju." Jimin watched as Yoongi grabbed two plastic containers from one of the two bags he had placed in the car before, and put them inside of his backpack.

"We should put on some sunscreen. The sun is really burning down right now."

After packing a few more things and helping each other rub sunscreen all over their faces to avoid permanently red cheeks, they followed the trail that led down to the river. On their way they stumbled across small stone towers that tourists had built over time. Yoongi knew because he had made sure to read up on this place beforehand.

He told Jimin all he had found out, or rather deemed interesting enough to tell Jimin about. Jimin listened with surprisingly much curiosity, asking about whether the stone walls on the sides of the paths were built by tourists as well, to which Yoongi could sadly give no answer.

There were rather tiny old traditional Korean houses too, that Yoongi knew had been used for the making of a movie not too long ago. They took some pictures simply for the memories.

Yoongi was never the type to like pictures of himself being taken. His smile always ended up just a tiny bit too unnatural to look good. But somehow Jimin managed catching his best moments. He'd make faces into Yoongi's general direction or would call Yoongi's name just to say nothing. It was annoying, but now Yoongi wasn't able to stop a smile from breaking out on his face even once.

At some point they made it down to the water, where Yoongi searched a space where they could put their water bottles into the cooling river. When he found something, a small stretch that was a bit separated from the rest of the beach, he went back to Jimin, who had gotten comfortable on one of the rocks.

"It's hot." Jimin complained once Yoongi was in hearing distance.

"If you want we can go jump into the water before eating."

"But I'm hungry."

"Boo-hoo, poor you." Yoongi teased, grabbing one of the plastic containers and offering it to Jimin as well as some chopsticks he had almost forgotten to pack.

Jimin took them with a smile. "So we're gonna eat what you prepared for us these four days?"

"We can eat some snacks but yeah, at least for lunch and dinner I prepared something at home. To save some money. Complaints?"

"No way. I love eating your food. You're an amazing cook. Maybe you should teach me sometime."

"I will." Yoongi promised. "And now eat. I think I can see your cheeks falling in already." There was a soft, teasing tone to his voice.

"Yeah yeah sure." Nevertheless Jimin opened the lid of the container, looking down onto its content. Yoongi had prepared rice and some chicken with sauce. It was a rather simple lunch, but Yoongi had added some peas and sesame seeds. Overall it looked really good, but rather low on calories.

"Did you make diet food for a reason?"

"I've heard you whine enough about how you're trying to keep your abs intact but the pull of unhealthy food is strong. Though I'd make something that's healthy, tasty and low on calories. I think I might have put a bit too much salt in it though."

Jimin pouted. "That's super sweet."

"Try it before saying that." Yoongi chuckled, reaching his hand out to ruffle Jimin's hair, before opening his own box.

Jimin watched him for a couple more seconds before glancing down at the food in his hands again. He picked up some chicken with his chopsticks and brought it up to his mouth.

He let out a content sigh. Maybe he was biased but Yoongi's cooking always was the best. Even in comparison to all the amazing chef's food he had eaten in the past. There was something about it, that made it feel so... warm. Not pretentious. Like his cooking wasn't trying to be perfect. There were small flaws but for some reason they made it even better.

"What do you think?"

"Amazing." Jimin grinned widely, before leaning in and pecking Yoongi's cheek. "Your homemade food is the best!"

"Glad to hear that." Yoongi's smile made Jimin's heart beat faster. He wondered whether he would ever get used to the effect Yoongi seemed to have on him.


Out of curiousity... how old are you all?

And how old do you think I am?

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