Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


„By the way, the code to my apartment is pretty easy. It's my birthday; 30121995." Taehyung stated as he typed the number into the door.

"The day before new year's eve." Jungkook said surprised and Taehyung nodded. The door opened and they both stepped into Taehyung's apartment.

"Soooo... what do you wanna do? How would you imagine your evening with a person that is with you because they love you?" There was a teasing hint in Jungkook's voice, but Taehyung admittedly liked that a lot.

"Just... having a relaxed evening? Maybe cuddling." Taehyung said a bit absentmindedly.

Cringing Jungkook scrunched his nose. "No offense but that will be sooooo weird and awkward."

"It's only weird if you make it weird." The older laughed, patting Jungkook's shoulder, silently impressed with how firm the muscle underneath his shirt was.

"Of course I'll make it weird when I have to cuddle with a stranger." Jungkook complained, making weird movements in the air with his hands.

Dropping on the sofa Taehyung chuckled. "And sex with strangers is okay?"

Not really thinking about it Jungkook got into a straddling position on Taehyung's lap, playing with his hair. "I'm used to it. It's pretty disgusting to be honest, but I don't think about it a lot. I just get it over with."

Taehyung's hands made their way to Jungkook's waist almost naturally. How was that boy this thin and muscular at the same time? This was getting ridiculous. His fingers absentmindedly traced patterns over his skin while he was looking Jungkook in the eyes.

"Why do you do it? I mean, you said you have to pay for the apartment you live in but shouldn't you be able to afford that with the money from that store?" Taehyung asked, leaning back.

"The money would just be about enough for the apartment and to survive, but I don't want my brother to grow up struggling with money. I want to be able to have enough money to live in a decent apartment, be able to buy him stuff every once in a while and make sure he doesn't end up feeling like an outsider with his friends. So I do this." He moved his ass over Taehyung's crotch. "For the luxury of not struggling with money."

Taehyung nodded. "How old is your brother?"

In a quick swift movement Jungkook sat down next to Taehyung. "Fifteen."

"We are so awkward." Taehyung stated, making Jungkook let out an amused laugh. "I know. How about we watch a movie instead of trying to force conversations? If you wanna know stuff about me, you can always ask anyways. No need to try to think of stuff to ask now."

"So a movie it is. Or a series? What do you like?"

"Series are a commitment tho... And you're so gonna judge me because I'm a bit of a basic bitch... but Rupaul's drag race?"

Taehyung gasped dramatically. "You are a basic bitch... And I admittedly have seen the first half of season one, but I'm not basic because I mainly identify as straight."

"Mainly? And why did you even suggest this deal if you identify as straight?" His tone was light, not pressuring. He wasn't intending to prey.

"I never really thought of guys in a sexual way. And I asked you because I kind of got a hard on from watching you threatening that guy. It was super-hot. Don't judge me. I like it when someone stands up for themselves." Taehyung admitted and Jungkook couldn't help but laugh out loudly.

"What the fuck bro. I literally grabbed that guy by the balls and was this close from making sure he wouldn't be able to have children and you got turned on?"

"I said don't judge me. I'm weird okay?"

"You are. I'm surprised." Jungkook stated, before reaching out and putting a hand on Taehyung's crotch, his palm right above his dick, his fingers near his balls. "What about it turned you on? The touching part? The dominance?"

It was funny to see Taehyung glance down at Jungkook's hand before tonguing the inside of his cheek, a bit incredulous, before actually thinking about the question. "Alright, so aside from the fact that I have a hand on my dick, it doesn't really do that much for me? It was more the part that you stood up for yourself, instead of just accepting everything. The girls I used to date would always act like everything is okay, because they were scared they'd make me angry and lose their sugar daddy. It was sickening."

"So you've done this kind of stuff before? Like sugar daddy stuff?" Jungkook asked, pulling his hand back and instead resting it on Taehyung's thigh.

Shaking his head Taehyung leant back. "No I haven't but honestly could have. Wouldn't have made much of a difference." He put his hands up to his face, pulling cutesy faces and mimicking his previous girlfriends with a high voice. "Darling, can I have this? Can I have that? Could we travel? Did you hear it's my birthday soon? I'm gonna keep that sweater of yours." His tone changed.

"I'm gonna throw up. I don't even have a problem with buying them stuff, but they were so fucking fake about it." Taehyung explained and Jungkook nodded in understanding.

"I'll be nice and kick your ass if I feel like it, okay?" Jungkook joked, lifting his hand to Taehyung's hair and ruffling it.

Laughing Taehyung closed his eyes, melting into Jungkook's hand. "Sounds great, honestly."

Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he thought. Maybe he and Taehyung would get along a lot better than he had expected. The boy seemed a lot more down to earth than Jungkook had thought so far.

"Would you be up for a kiss?" Jungkook asked, moving his hand from Taehyung's head down to his cheek, tracing his thumb over it.

Opening his eyes slowly Taehyung nodded, looking at him with a certain softness in his eyes. He would not admit it out loud but Jungkook liked that... a lot.

He leant forward, moving into the position of straddling Taehyung again, before connecting their lips in a gentle kiss.


Holy shiieeet I love this chapter💕💕💕

What do ya'll think of taekook so far? I kind of love it💜

And I love you guys too!!! It's so amazing that so many people read my stories😖

And I love you guys too!!! It's so amazing that so many people read my stories😖

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