Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


"Shit." Yoongi swore as he almost tripped over the box blocking the hallway of his apartment. Sighing, he ran his hand over his toes, making sure none were actually hurt.

He would have to take care of that box at some point... Sooner or later. He stared at the cardboard box that was taped closed. Not now. Later.

Yeah, maybe he was not coping well, but what wrong would it do to wait a bit longer to go through his father's belongings. It's not like they would disappear, somehow. Instead, they would be sitting here, and he'd probably bump his toes another twenty times before he'd finally open it.

Yeah... soon, he'd open it. But not today. And probably not tomorrow, either.

When he left the apartment, he spotted Jungkook already waiting for him, leaned against his car. The moment he and Yoongi made eye contact, he waved enthusiastically.

He was wearing black studs, a wide white t-shirt, and black ripped jeans that looked a bit too tight around his thighs... in a good way.

Instead of greeting Yoongi, Jungkook started talking pretty much the second Yoongi entered hearing distance. "This is amazing. The apartment my brother and I share is just five minutes from here by car. Fifteen minutes walking. I literally just had to start thinking about getting ready half an hour ago."

Yoongi laughed, walking towards him before pulling him into a short hug. "Where do you live?"

Trying his best at explaining, he pointed into one direction and gave some rather confusing instructions, but Yoongi managed to follow, for the most part. "I'll come visit you more often for sure." Jungkook ended his explanation.

"Please, at least warn me, though. I'm not gonna let you in if you show up unannounced." Yoongi warned, and Jungkook laughed, nodding.

Not long after, they were both sitting in a gay bar, for comfort reasons, not too far from Yoongi's flat. "Jimin's so gonna hate you for taking me out, by the way." Yoongi chuckled, spinning his drink and watching the huge ice cube spin as well.

"Jimin? Your boyfriend? And why? ...wait, I never asked. Do you have a boyfriend?" Jungkook took some of the snacks that were placed on the counter and absentmindedly nibbled on them.

"No, I don't. And Jimin's a friend who has been trying to persuade me to visit a bar with him for weeks now. And I haven't said yes so far." Yoongi explained amused.

"Is he hot? Gay? Do you have pictures?" Jungkook asked, now a lot more interested, and leaned forward.

"He's as straight as it gets. And he looks alright." Yoongi lied, glancing around the bar, checking for anyone that was close to his type. He hadn't hooked up with anyone in forever and he really missed it. Maybe he'd take someone home tonight if anyone ended up spiking his interest.

"Sad. I mean, not that I'm allowed to do anything right now, anyways... I told you about this guy at my job."

"You mean Mr. Rich Guy who doesn't know how to use his money? Yeah, you told me. Have you seen him since?" Yoongi asked, tapping his foot on the ground.

"Not really. But I'll see him after this." He pointed at them. "Because of the job. And I think he'll say something today, or whatever. I'm still confused. Why ask me over if he isn't going to fuck me?"

Yoongi chuckled. "You said he identifies as straight. Of course this will be a bit weird. Let him take his time, I guess? Or talk to him like a normal person would?"

"Ugh, talking. Who even wants to talk?" Jungkook complained, downing his drink.

Yoongi snickered while leaning back, when he heard steps right behind them.

"Hey, look who's there. Kook, you never mentioned that you're a dick sucker." A guy behind them exclaimed and Yoongi could watch Jungkook tense.

When he turned around, he was face to face with two guys, probably a bit younger than he was, himself. Their whole look pretty much screamed 'try-hard badass'. Gelled hair and black leather jackets. It was pretty obvious that they were not at the gay bar to get some dick, but, rather, to pick a fight.

Jungkook didn't say anything back, just staring at them, frozen in place with his eyes wide. Standing up for his friend, Yoongi got up, sadly about half a head shorter than the guy standing in front of him.

"What do you care? It's none of your business." Yoongi said, pushing his hands into his pockets, trying not to look as small as he actually was.

"What are you, his boyfriend? Do you take his dick up your ass? Sure looks like it." The guy almost toppled over when Yoongi landed a well-aimed fist in his stomach, before turning around and looking at the bartender.

"These two are homophobic assholes. They're picking a fight." The girl quickly nodded and ran over to inform the bouncers. The whole thing didn't take longer than a few seconds, but Yoongi was lucky that the other guy didn't intend on doing anything without what was apparently the leader, who was still trying to breathe properly. When the bouncers arrived, they asked Jungkook, who still looked a bit pale, whether he was okay before grabbing the guys and kicking them out.

Yoongi was warned by the bartender not to resort to violence, even if it was to defend himself, and he nodded in understanding, promising that he'd get help first, next time.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

He took a deep shaky breath before nodding. "Yeah... I think. Shit. I think those two are at our college. I've seen their faces before." Jungkook muttered, running his hands over his face.

"Hey, what can they do? I don't wanna say anything, but stop cowering away like this. You're ten times bulkier than they are. You could beat their asses if you tried. And I know it's scary when you have always been the weaker one, but that's no longer the case." He reassured, running his hand over the other's arm.

Jungkook took another deep breath before closing his eyes. "Sorry for making you stand up for me... It's like you say. In my head, it's still me in my small pre-puberty body against the world."

"It's okay. That's what friends are here for." Yoongi stated, grinning. "Awww, don't look at me like a kicked pup."

Jungkook chuckled, quickly wiping the corners of his eyes. "Sorry. And thank you. Seriously. It feels good to not be alone in this, for once."

"I'll protect you with my tiny fists, if I have to."


Surprise update!!!!

And patience... next chapter is Yoonmin again and I swear by the end of this story your Yoonmin needs will all be satisfied... until then you might have to be patient❤😂

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