Chapter 81

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!Trigger warning!
This chapter might hold scenes that could be triggering to some of you.
If you're worried you could be I will be comment the topic next to this so for those who think they won't get triggered you can simply not read it

Chapter 81


„I'll go to the bathroom." Jungkook stated before leaving the small store. The toilet was located on the right side of the building but you could only access it from outside. Taehyung nodded before going back to placing items in the shelves and making sure nothing was looking too chaotic.

When he was done, he sat down on the chair behind the cash desk and played on his phone. Candy crush. His latest obsession.

A middle aged woman came in and paid for her fuel. Taehyung quickly handed her her receipt and change before going back to playing. It was ten pm, their shift would be over as soon as Minjoon showed up and Taehyung was tired. The evening had been pretty busy, but luckily it was over for the most parts.

"Hey Tae." Said boy exclaimed entering the store. He casually dropped his bag on the floor and pulled his working uniform out of it. "Where is Jungkook?"

"Bathroom." Taehyung stated, still on his phone, resting one of his legs on top of the other.

"Oh okay." The older left to change in the locker rooms, while Taehyung stayed where he was. He checked the clock again. Jungkook was already gone for more than ten minutes. Of course that could just mean that he was taking a bit longer, but he was always back at least within five minutes, because he didn't trust Taehyung to be alone with the place longer than that.

"Hey Min. I'll check on Jungkook. If a customer comes in he's yours okay?!"

"Yeah, sure." The older replied, entering the main part of the store while patting the uniform he was wearing down and readjusting the way it fit around his shoulders.

Taehyung nodded thankfully before leaving the store. It was probably nothing and he'd make Jungkook uncomfortable but better be safe than sorry. He glanced around the area. It was dark outside already, which made sense, but sitting in the bright neon lighting of the store made him forget about time.

"Hey Jungkook, what's taking you so-" Taehyung pushed the door to the male bathrooms open but froze the second his eyes fell onto the picture right in front of him. Jungkook pushed against the bathroom sink, his pants as well as underwear pooling around his ankles. His t-shirt carelessly pushed up revealing parts of his thin waist and strong back. The guy standing behind him was huge.

Taehyung had seen him before. At the shop. When Jungkook and him weren't even talking. He was one of Jungkook's customers. He had been the one Jungkook had acted so... careful around.

The gigantic guy's underwear was simply pushed down and he was pressing against Jungkook's backside, one hand resting on Jungkook's hip the other pushing the boy's face harshly against the sink as he fucked into him.

Even if he hadn't known Jungkook as well as he did, he would have been able to tell that Jungkook had not given his consent to this. There were scratch marks all over the guy's arms and there was a red spot on Jungkook's face.

Taehyung felt like the world stood still. Hardly a second has passed since he had entered and he felt like he saw every detail there was to the scene. Jungkook was crying, silently at least, the most heart wrenching part to all of this. His hands were tightly holding onto the sink, trying to keep his body steady, to stop himself from getting pushed against it with every harsh slap of skin.

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