Chapter 92

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Chapter 90


Their morning after started off with the ringing of their alarm clock, but neither of them seemed to mind, simply scooting closer to each other, exchanging tired but sweet kisses. Jimin sat up stretching. "Fuck, I'm tired." He flopped back down, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's stomach and curling up against it. "Let's sleep a bit longer."

Any other day Yoongi would have gladly accepted the suggestion, but they still had a long day ahead of them and he didn't want to get home too late. So instead, he carefully wrapped his hands around Jimin's shoulders and forced him to sit up. Jimin whined but went limp in Yoongi's grip, like a marionette being tugged around.

"Come on, let's go swimming and get some breakfast. The next meal we'll have is probably going to be in Seoul." He chuckled when Jimin just fell back onto the mattress the second he let go, dramatically sighing.

"I don't wanna go back. I like spending twenty-four hours a day with you." Jimin complained, wrapping his arms around a pillow and closing his eyes again. Yoongi knew he would probably fall asleep again within seconds if he didn't stop it.

"If you don't get up now, I'll have to use cold water to get you out of bed." Yoongi warned, the gentle hand brushing over Jimin's cheek in an affectionate way not fitting at all, but at the same time it was such a Yoongi thing to do. And it was also a Yoongi thing to do to actually keep his promise, so Jimin sat up again, but not without protesting.

Yoongi simply laughed, pecking his cheek before climbing out of the minibus and grabbing his swimming trunks.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna go get changed."

There was hesitancy on Jimin's face, his whole expression turning unsure. "You... you could just change here?"

"You sure? You don't have to pressure yourself if you're not comfortable with it, just because of what happened yesterday." Yoongi promised, stepping back closer to the car and leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm not forcing myself. I'm a bit worried though... what if I don't feel anything?"

"Then you don't feel anything." Yoongi shrugged his shoulders before smiling. "Going by yesterday, I can make you feel things in a different way, even if you're not attracted to the fact that I have a stick of meat hanging between my legs."

Jimin grimaced, but Yoongi could tell he was holding back a laugh.

"So, should I get changed here, where you can see me?" Yoongi asked, in such a non pressuring way that Jimin couldn't stop warmth from spreading all over his stomach again. It was so weird. Like he was having the most intense crush ever, and the whole magic around the whole thing hadn't gotten lost after yesterday. There still was that spark. The curiosity.

"Yeah, get changed here." Jimin just muttered, scooting a bit closer to where Yoongi was standing before crossing his legs. He was wearing boxers again, just like Yoongi, but unlike Yoongi's, his didn't stretch around his dick in a way that didn't leave a lot to his imagination.

"You sure?" Yoongi asked, again, and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Fucking get naked."

"You're such a helpless romantic." Yoongi laughed, quickly glancing around just to make sure there was no one around, but it was seven am and hardly anyone had the patience to come to the beach this early, before slipping his boxers down his legs.

Jimin's eyes instantly went to Yoongi's dick. It wasn't really that he was that attracted to it so that he just had to see it. More like curiosity.

The weirdest part was... the fact that he was looking at a dick did absolutely nothing for him, but then the thought, that he was seeing Yoongi naked, was what did trigger some reaction. Not a lot, but it was there.

Yoongi was maybe a bit above average. It was hard to tell because his dick was completely flaccid even with Jimin staring at it. There was a long drawn out silence in which Jimin let his eyes rake over Yoongi's body, taking all of it in while the older slipped back into his trunks. Jimin was almost about to protest when he pulled them up. He wanted to see more. Longer... It was a really weird feeling, but for some reason, he just knew that he was going to get used to Yoongi having a dick pretty soon, and he was also pretty sure that he'd come to find it to be a turn on, too.

Not quite yet, because it was unfamiliar, but Jimin really didn't doubt it.

"Thoughts?" Yoongi asked amusedly when Jimin didn't say anything for a good minute, simply staring a hole into his stomach.

"Jessie said you were fucking huge, but you're not that big." Of Fucking Course that was the first thing that came to his mind. Yoongi didn't seem to mind though, simply laughing while pushing his hair back.

"I'm more of a grower than a shower. My dick gets bigger when it's up."

Jimin just nodded dumbly, staring at Yoongi's crotch. He could see the slightest outline of his dick through the fabric of his swim trunks, but then Yoongi's hand blocked his view. "Stop staring or you'll give me a boner and I'd prefer you'd not. People might come here any second."

Jimin had to force himself to look away. He looked Yoongi in the eye for a couple of seconds before gathering his courage. "I think I might be able to get used to you having a dick and even... I don't know... get turned on by it at some point? No idea how to describe this." He chuckled, grabbing his own trunks.

When he looked back up, Yoongi was smiling. "I'm happy to hear that." He looked down at the clothes in Jimin's hand. "Should I turn around?"

Jimin nodded slowly. Yeah, sure, Yoongi had seen him naked already, but he felt a bit shy for some reason. Maybe because Yoongi was the first person he actually cared about. In the past, he had never had any problems with showing off his body any chance he got.

He quickly slipped his boxers off and pulled his trunks up once Yoongi had turned around. "Done." He slipped out of the car, patting Yoongi's shoulder. "Let's swim."


Stay tuned.

The next couple of chapters are very... interesting~💜

Also some bad news. We are slowly but surely closing in on the end of the story and it's painful to think about:(

I hope ya'll will stay with me even after this story and keep supporting me! Love ya'll! Srsly

Edit: On a side note... I'm hella active on twitter currently writing a lot of concepts drabbles, short stories and so on that are not on wattpad so if you're enjoying this story and might be interested in hearing more from me you can follow me there under @ jambooty2!

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