Chapter 41

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Chapter 41



"Hm?" The boy turned around, now facing Taehyung, who stood just a bit too close for comfort. They were both in the gas station, Jungkook having just changed into his work uniform.

"Why didn't you take more?" Taehyung asked in a serious voice, tilting his head ever so slightly, and Jungkook couldn't help but find it somewhat cute or hot or something, something that stirred his stomach. Fucking hormones. Why did Taehyung have to be this attractive?

"Huh?" He asked, really not sure what Taehyung was talking about.

"The money. I told you to just take some, and you didn't even take the pay for that one hour." The older stated, running his hand through his hair, still somewhat towering over Jungkook.

"You didn't fuck me. I took the thousand as the monthly payment and a twenty because that's about the amount I would be paid here to waste my time for two hours." Jungkook explained, Taehyung furrowing his brows in confusion.

"That was not the deal."

"I don't accept charity." Jungkook stated, and Taehyung did look a bit annoyed at that.

"That's not charity."

"It is."

Not sure what to say, Taehyung opened his mouth a couple of times. "And what if I want to pay you to spend time with me and don't want to sleep with you yet?"

"Then that's bad luck. I don't sell my sympathy, you know. Just my body." Crossing his arms over his chest, Jungkook leaned against the locker, raising an eyebrow at Taehyung. "If you're not interested in guys, don't act like you are."

"I am." The older quickly guaranteed and Jungkook wondered whether he even realized how much he was just stepping into Jungkook's private space. Their faces were just centimeters apart. "I swear, I wanna fuck you. Just... I don't know. You're hot and all. I just want you to somewhat like me and not look at me like I disgust you."

Furrowing his eyebrows in a confused manner, he dropped his arms. "No, I don't look at you like I'm disgusted."

"You do."

"No I don't."

"Jungkook." Now Taehyung was the one to cross his arms. "I'm not lying when I say that you look at me like you're mad and expect me to kick a puppy at any second, all the time."

"I swear, I don't. At least, not on purpose." Jungkook raised his arms in defense. "You're alright, I think. Don't really know you and you're a spoiled brat, not gonna lie, but you're not an asshole about it. I... accept your existence?"

"Is that a good thing?" Taehyung chuckled, backing up a bit and Jungkook finally felt like he could breathe again.

"It's neutral. If anything, the reason I may have looked at you like I'm mad might be because I was staring since you're pretty attractive." Jungkook admitted, turning around and grabbing his stuff.

"I admittedly like that idea a lot more than you hating me or something." Taehyung laughed, relief rather obvious in his voice.

"Would you be willing to give me a chance? Like, hang out with me, not for sex, and I can prove that I'm a decent guy?" Taehyung asked carefully.

"Look, I honestly believe you when you say you're a decent guy. Even though you did for some reason decide that it would be a good idea to ask me for sex. But I don't have the time for just hanging out. I work at the store six days a week, go to college, and I'm supposed to gather enough money on the side to live a normal life in a fifty square meter apartment with my brother. If you don't want to have sex, I can give you back the thousand and we'll blow this deal off. No hard feelings."

It was surprising how quickly Taehyung shook his head. "No. Can't you, like, make an exception? I'll sleep with you... just not yet... so up until then... I'll give as much as you need to get by until then, so...please spend time with me."

"...this is getting sad. Why do you have to pay for a friend?" Jungkook said, groaning.

"Not like a friend... maybe like we're dating? Can you do that?"

Massaging the spot between his eyes, Jungkook sighed. "You have issues. For real."

"I admit I do. The only thing I want from you is to be honest. Something that is apparently hard to come by when you're dating." Taehyung said, pressing his lips into a thin line. "Aside from that, you can act like you want. If I do something you don't like, you can get angry, if I'm being spoiled, lecture me, and if you feel like being nice, be nice. Just don't be something you aren't. I hate it when people are fake."

Jungkook whistled. "Issues."

Taehyung grimaced and Jungkook's face got a lot softer.

"I guess it's alright. Let's try this... I can leave any time, right? So if I decide that it's not what I want I can break this off?" Jungkook asked, making sure he'd set the details.

"Yeah, and thanks." Taehyung said, relief taking over his features.

"Okay. The deal is still the same? Just... I don't know, let's say it's 20 dollars per hour when nothing happens? Gosh, I feel bad for taking money for doing nothing." Jungkook chuckled awkwardly, squeezing his hands. "You can kiss me, ask me for sexual stuff, or even fuck me if you decide to. It's still open to you. Aside from that... I don't know. I've never done this type of thing before. It's somewhat like an escort?"

"Hey, same, so let's just see where it goes." Taehyung said, smiling softly, and Jungkook couldn't help but think that he looked damn cute like that.


Another Vkook chapter😖

Love ya'll💕💕

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