Chapter 49

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Chapter 49


"Hey, Jungkook, could you help me?" Jungkook was standing outside of the store leaning against the wall, once again smoking. When he heard Taehyung's voice he looked up from where he was standing.

"Yeah, sure, what do you need?" He asked, dropping his cigarette to the ground and smashing it under his heel. Taehyung was somewhat against smoking; yeah, he was a hypocrite and did it himself, too, but he couldn't help but admit that Jungkook was pretty hot while doing it. There just was something about the way Jungkook stared into the distance blowing out smoke that looked movie-like.

"There's this guy asking for a refund. No idea how to do that shit." Taehyung explained. Jungkook nodded, wiping his hands on his jeans. Instead of going inside again, Taehyung leanted forward, silently asking for a kiss. Chuckling at the other's behavior, Jungkook stepped towards him, pushing himself up onto his tiptoes just a bit to get a better angle before kissing Taehyung. It was short, but that was enough for Taehyung.

Content with the kiss, Taehyung put his hand on Jungkook's back and led the boy inside. Their whole deal was pretty nice. Admittedly, Taehyung had expected Jungkook to be somewhat cold and distant. After all, their agreement said nothing about Jungkook actually caring about Taehyung...just hanging around for most of the day and giving Taehyung a chance.

But Jungkook had gotten a lot softer towards him and Taehyung could tell that, for once in his life, this was real. The boy wasn't faking it, the way most of his girlfriends had. Maybe he didn't really have feelings for Taehyung, but Taehyung could live with that. After all, that was never part of the deal. What he did get was a certain warmth and somewhat protective treatment.

Knowing he'd have to open up towards Jungkook, too, in order to make the boy trust him, he had told him a lot about himself the last couple of days. Things about his parents, about his girlfriends. Even about his fears and insecurities.

And it had worked. Ever since then, Jungkook had been pretty damn sweet and open towards him and Taehyung was not gonna lie, he enjoyed it a lot. Even if Jungkook almost babied him at times; it was such a weird concept, but for the most part, Jungkook was a lot more mature than Taehyung was.

Jungkook spotted the guy that was waiting in front of the register, a broken ice scraper in his hand. Bowing in a friendly mannr, Jungkook greeted the guy before moving behind the counter. "What's your name?"

Taehyung watched as the guy introduced himself before explaining what he needed. Watching Jungkook was a lot of fun. Especially how easy he seemed to work his way with customers.

"All right, Daewon. Do you have your receipt with you?" Jungkook asked and the guy nodded. He handed Jungkook the paper, who checked it before looking back up and leaning over the counter. "All right, so usually we wouldn't be able to refund this because you bought it back in September. That's correct?"

The guy nodded once again, looking a bit unsettled. "But I'll make an exception." Jungkook said, smiling brightly, before handing the guy a pen and grabbing a piece of paper from behind the counter. "Could you sign this... thanks."

Everything went smoothly and the guy left the store looking content. "Why did you do that if he's late?" Taehyung asked as soon as he was out of hearing distance. "Won't you get in trouble?"

Smiling, Jungkook leaned back. "I won't. And I did it because he's one of our regulars and not being able to get a refund might leave behind a bitter aftertaste and he'll go somewhere else next time. This way he's happy and will come back. Also these..." He held the broken ice scraper into the air. "...fall apart all the goddamn time. I don't even know why we still sell them. Stupid management."

"Aren't you the manager?" Taehyung asked, confused. It had been one and a half weeks now and no one else showed up around here apart from two more guys who seemed to take the shifts when Taehyung wasn't there.

"I told you in the beginning, when you showed up here demanding to laze around. I'm your boss right now because my uncle who usually takes care of all that is on vacation. He will be back in a couple of days, though. We might work different shifts then." Jungkook explained, sitting down on the edge of the table and crossing his legs.

"Nooo, I wanna work with you." Taehyung complained, pushing his bottom lip out, making Jungkook chuckle as he reached out and ruffled his hair. "We'll find a way. Don't worry about it. I'll ask as soon as he's back."

Grinning widely, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, lifting the boy like he weighted nothing and spinning him around. Jungkook let out an awkward squeal, his hands reaching out for Taehyung's shoulders to hold on to. "Letmedownletmedownletmedown."

Laughing, Taehyung dropped him back onto the floor and Jungkook sighed in relief, pressing his hands to his chest to calm his beating heart. "Don't do that."

"Kay." Taehyung muttered, pouting again. Jungkook groaned. "You know what, I'll just grab you and spin you around, too, next time you do that."

Without any hesitation, Taehyung lifted his arms. "Do it."

Jungkook sighed.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you be okay with that shit?"

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. "It's fun. And I trust you."

"You trust people too quickly. We have only known each other for a couple of days." Jungkook stated.

"I'm a good judge of character." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, looking Jungkook straight in the eyes. "I don't think you're someone I'd have to be careful around. Too good natured."

Groaning once again, Jungkook massaged the area between his eyes. "Whatever you say."

"Whatever I say." Taehyung repeated contentedly, wrapping his arms around Jungkook before going back to work. "Could you come over today? I'm planning on trying to cook... wanna help me learn? I suck."

Jungkook chuckled before looking up and smiling, in a way that made Taehyung's heart beat a bit faster. "Maybe."

Taehyung was pretty damn sure he was falling, but he didn't feel bad about it. He wanted to treat Jungkook well. Make the boy fall for him, as well. He would do it, somehow.


So I just somehow ended up making a deal with one of my readers that she would let me continue writing on this story if I post another chapter... confusing I know

Anygays here another chapter😂

Anygays here another chapter😂

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