Chapter 90

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Nevermind the chapter after this one is the one you should look forward to but this one is cute too<3

Have fun!

Chapter 90


"I was not expecting chicken feet to be this tasty." Jessie scrunched up her nose, looking at the food in her hand with a bit of disgust before taking another bite. "As long as I don't think about what it is, at least."

"I haven't eaten any since I moved here, and I won't, either, now." Namjoon chuckled, standing a bit too close to Jessie.

It was amusing how quickly he seemed to have forgotten about all his prejudices towards rich kids, but then again, he probably didn't even know about Jessie. Yoongi noted to himself that he'd make sure to point that out later.

"What do you think?" He asked Jimin, who was staring at his small bucket with the speciality they had bought at one of the street food stands.

Jimin looked up at him and then back down. "I really don't want to eat it."

"Even Jessie ate it, and she screams when she sees a ladybug."

"I like ladybugs. Just everything else that has more than four legs can die." Jessie interrupted, before going back to nibbling at the stir fried chicken feet.

"Fucking peer pressure. What if I just don't wanna eat it?" Jimin complained, poking Yoongi's side in an act of rebellion.

Yoongi couldn't help but laugh before squeezing Jimin's cheek. "Then we're all gonna make fun of you because of peer pressure."

"I'd choose that over chicken feet any day." He shoved the container into Yoongi's hands. "You eat them. I really, really don't wanna."

"Jimin is a pussy, pussy." Jessie sing sang, sticking out her tongue.

"No, I'm not." Jimin defended himself, but Jessie just grinned even wider. "Scaredy cat."

Without saying a word, Jimin grabbed one of the pieces, which were now in Yoongi's hold, and stuffed it into his mouth before flicking Jessie off. "I hate you."

Jessie grinned widely before sending Jimin a kissy hand. "Love you, too."

Watching in amusement, Yoongi slipped next to Namjoon, putting a hand on his shoulders. "And is he as bad as you thought? A child, kind of, but not an asshole."

He could watch Namjoon's expression turn a bit softer as he sighed. "Maybe you're right."

The rest of the day passed by way too quickly. They went into a museum and almost got kicked out because of Jessie's loud yelling. Then they visited a lake and sat down on the edge of it, just talking. Jimin opened up a bit to Namjoon about how he and Yoongi had met. About his struggle with people always trying to use him somehow.

Namjoon seemed to get more comfortable, too. Told Jimin about his own experiences with people using him. The whole producing thing could be quite the trap. People were your friends when they needed your help, too.

"You know, I always felt kinda bad for you, Jimin." Jessie stated, a half empty bottle of Soju leaning against her leg.

Jimin furrowed his brows. "Why?"

"The whole gold digger thing. I'm kinda safe, because male gold diggers are pretty rare and guys usually don't try to purposely get pregnant, but watching the whole you and Tae thing always makes me sick to my stomach. Tae always had his way to deal with it, I mean, he wasn't happy either..." It was obvious that Jessie was at least tipsy. "...but being you kind of sucked the most. We all got different ways to deal with it, you know. I slept around, Tae did the whole 'I'm gonna date you and trust you, but if you dare to hurt me I'll make sure it hurts you ten times more' thing, but you just... I don't know. You seemed so lonely. I never really had the courage to address it, but I wish I could have helped you. I mean, I would have actually dated you, but you're more like a brother to me so eh... anyways, I'm glad you can laugh so much now." She giggled happily, leaning her head against Yoongi's shoulder. "All thanks to this guy."

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