Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


It had been quite some time since he had last felt this nervous and excited about something. Sure, he usually was rather relaxed, but that didn't mean his anxiety didn't spike for a second when he entered the lecture hall for the first time.

For some reason, he expected people to turn and look at him. Stare...make him uncomfortable, but of course, it didn't happen. This wasn't high school. Most people here probably hardly knew many of the others they shared lessons with.

They couldn't care less if he was new or not. Instead, they continued their conversations, laughing, some even flirting, and having a great time before the teacher showed up.

Yoongi searched the room for a place to sit in. The lecture hall was rather filled, and Yoongi preferred sitting somewhere in the back, somewhere he wouldn't have anyone notice him, which was why he sat down next to a boy who was sketching on his spiral bound notebook, earplugs filtering out any noise that could have distracted him from his work.

"Can I sit here?" Yoongi asked, waving his hand in front of the guy's face.

Startled, the boy looked up, pulling his earplugs out of his ears. "What?"

"Can I sit here?" Yoongi repeated, not missing out on the way the boy checked him out before shrugging his shoulders and clearing his backpack from Yoongi's seat. "Here."

Yoongi sat down. He took a moment to have a closer look at the boy. He looked young, muscular, and admittedly pretty attractive.

Halfway through the lesson, the boy asked if he could borrow a pen and Yoongi gave it to him. When the lesson was over, Yoongi got up, but before he could leave, the guy next to him stood as well.

"Um... what's your name?" Surprised by the other taking initiative, Yoongi just looked at him for a couple of seconds. "Yoongi."

A warm smile spread over the boy's features. "Jungkook. Are you new? I haven't seen you around yet?"

"Yeah, I am new, actually." Yoongi stated, not really sure whether the guy was just trying to be polite or actually was interested in talking to him.

"What's your schedule? Could I see it?" The boy he now knew as Jungkook asked. Hesitantly, Yoongi shook his head. "I don't really have one yet. They just told me which classes to take for the day."

Jungkook nodded in understanding. "Where do you have to go next?"

"History and Culture." He stated, sending a short glance to the notes he had made.

"I have performance. They're in the same part of the building. If you want, I could take you there?" Now Yoongi knew for sure that this Jungkook kid was trying to socialize with him, which was pretty surprising, since the boy seemed about as awkward as Yoongi. He didn't look the most social either going by the black hoodie, earbuds that hung around his neck, and hands pushed deep into his pockets.

"Yeah, sure... thanks." Yoongi said, and Jungkook simply smiled at him before gesturing him to follow.

Somehow they ended up back at the same table at lunch too. It was just the two of them, for the most part focused on eating their lunch before their break was over, but it was surprisingly relaxed. Neither of them seemed too great at making conversation with a stranger, but Yoongi didn't feel like Jungkook was judging him for it.

He just sat there, seemingly just as lost as Yoongi as they made a little smalltalk. Just the usual stuff. Yoongi told Jungkook about how he just recently moved to Seoul. What he was doing before that.

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