Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


"You did not just... I fucking hate you." Jimin carelessly threw the controller across the room in frustration. Taehyung, who had just won the game they had been playing, grinned at him stupidly.

"Sucks to be you." Taehyung stated, before changing the settings a bit since the sensitivity of his controller was just a bit too high for him to aim with properly.

"You said you suck at Mei?" Jimin complained, fetching the controller from the corner it had landed in. He quickly checked whether it was still intact, and honestly, it wouldn't even have been much of a problem if it wasn't.

"Yeah, but I'm good at the game overall."

Jimin raised one eyebrow. Taehyung had had the audacity to freeze him, in game, before using the waving emote in front of him and after that blowing an icicle into his face. And now he was stupidly grinning at him.

"I'll get us some food. You want some too?" He said, wanting to escape Taehyung before the boy could ask for another round. No way in hell he was going to do that to himself again.

"Snacks or food?" Taehyung asked, switching to quick play now that Jimin apparently planned on escaping from him.

"Both." Jimin answered, grabbing the vest he had simply thrown aside earlier since Taehyung's room was pretty much a sauna.

"Sounds good." Nodding, Jimin opened the door before slipping into the long cold hallway. The house was pretty cold, unlike Taehyung's room. Honestly, Taehyung's parents totally could afford the heating fees, but they did tend to be a bit stingy with this kind of stuff.

Not that heating it up would make much of a difference. It was pretty much empty most of the time, anyway. Taehyung had his own flat and mainly came back here when he wanted to have some peace and quiet from all of his 'friends', and his parents spent most of their time abroad or at their company.

Just like Jimin's parents did.

He followed the long hallway to a large beautiful staircase. Classic worthless showoff. His steps echoed on the marble walls.

When he got to the end of the wide steps, he turned right to go to the kitchen. He knew this house pretty much just as well as he did his own. After all, he had spent most of his childhood playing hide and seek in the long dark hallways. Back when he, Jessie, and Taehyung still hung out on a regular basis.

In the kitchen, he heard movement, and when he entered the room, the house maid was just doing the dishes. When she heard the door to the room open, she turned around before openly smiling at Jimin. "Young Mr. Park. Is there anything I can do for you?"

The boy smiled back, moving towards the cabinet, opening it and grabbing a bag of crisps, some energy drinks, and a chocolate bar. "It's nice seeing you, Eun-ha. How are your kids?"

"They are fine, thank you... Although they do worry me sometimes." She admitted, going back to her task.

Jimin made his way over to her, balancing all the snacks in his arms. He sat down on the counter next to her and watched as she cleaned off a pot that seemed to have had some sort of sauce in it before. "What do they do that's troubling you?" He asked, opening one of the crisp bags ready to listen to her.

She smiled softly. "The usual teenage stuff. Going out late, making the wrong friends. I'm just relieved whenever they come home." She admitted, now focusing on the plates.

They sat there in silence, Jimin eating his crisps and watching her with a soft gaze. Since neither Taehyung's nor his parents had ever bothered with their kids, both of them had a better relationship with their housekeepers than they had with their parents.

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