Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Don't make me worry

Are you okay?

I hate you right now

Please text me as soon as you see this

I might not be available for a while

Pls don't let anything happen to you

Yoongi stared at his screen, chuckling bitterly. "Sorry 'bout that."

Groaning in pain he pushed himself off the ground. He could feel tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. His breath burned in his lungs.

His body ached all over, but the worst by far was that every small movement seemed to shoot daggers of fire all over his chest.

Finally, on his feet and hunched over, he carefully felt around his chest to locate the source of his pain. When he grazed one of his ribs, he whimpered under his breath. That wasn't good. Not at all.

Trying to distract himself, he brushed the dirt off of his face and clothes. Obviously more than just his chest hurt, but in comparison to how inflamed his torso felt, they were minor inconveniences.

Looking as presentable as he possibly could at the moment, he stumbled out of the small alley. He felt dizzy...a lot dizzier than he should have.

When he spotted a car driving down the street, he swallowed his pride, well aware he wouldn't be able to stand on his own two feet for much longer. He crossed the pavement with a couple of steps before waving at the car to stop.

Maybe he was just lucky or maybe it was due to the fact that he actually looked pretty horrible, but the guy stopped, quickly getting out of his car. "Are you okay? What happened? Should I call an ambulance?"

Well aware of how expensive an ambulance would be, he shook his head. "Could you take me to a hospital? Please." He pressed out and the guy seemed hesitant before slowly nodding.

"Alright. Get in." He offered Yoongi to lean onto him, but the boy shook his head before climbing into the back of the car and let his head fall back, closing his eyes. The room was spinning in front of his eyes.

The guy sitting on the driver's seat started the engine and Yoongi could feel relief wash over him, knowing that it wouldn't take long for him to reach the hospital. When everything stopped spinning as badly, he grabbed his phone from his pocket, quickly typing a message to Jimin to make sure the boy wasn't panicking over there.


Sorry for worrying you

I'm okay

What happened?

Nothing to worry about


I swear

Just answer my damn question honestly

Some guys from my old school beat me up

It's kind of bad but I'll manage

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