Chapter 76

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Chapter 76


„Sooooo..." Jimin flopped onto the mattress next to Yoongi, who was writing something on his laptop. Homework... Jimin really didn't feel like being reminded of that.

"What so?" Yoongi glanced over to Jimin, whose hair was dripping wet and staining his mattress. Jimin was pushed off the bed again. "And dry your hair."

"This is not okay." Jimin whined, grabbing the towel and rubbing his head with it. "Could I borrow your hair dryer?"

"I don't have one. I usually leave my hair to air dry." Yoongi explained, sitting up and pushing his laptop to the side for now. "C'mere." He sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the area between his legs. Jimin sat down a bit hesitantly, but nevertheless he did.

"Towel." Yoongi was handed the towel and started rubbing Jimin's hair, getting it as dry as what was somewhat possible. Jimin simply sat there in silence and enjoyed the massage.

"How was your day?" Yoongi asked, still focused on Jimin's hair.

The boy sighed. "Nothing much happened. Since you decided to leave me alone today and skip lunch I was alone with Jungkook for a bit. It was actually quite nice. We talked about music and working out. It was quite fun. Rehearsal today was stressful though. We'll have a performance in about a week and our teacher is really using every second of the two-hour session." Jimin explained, stretching his neck and grabbing his shoulder, trying to get it to loosen up a bit.

Yoongi watched him for a couple of seconds before throwing the towel to the floor, bad habit of his, and pushing Jimin's hand off his shoulders. "Let me."

Jimin dropped his arms to his sides and Yoongi started massaging the sore area. The second Yoongi's hands found a somewhat sore spot, Jimin flinched and tried to wriggle out of Yoongi's hold. "Don't. It has to hurt a bit for it to work." Yoongi explained, his hand reassuringly patting Jimin's shoulder.

A bit hesitant and clearly still skeptical Jimin sat back down and turned around. "Please be careful?"

"I will." Yoongi chuckled, pecking Jimin's neck before going back to this time more carefully massaging him. After a few seconds of somewhat bearable pain Jimin relaxed a bit more in his hold. "You're good at this. Did you learn it?"

"Nah. I used to massage my father to help him relax when he was still somewhat sane." Yoongi explained, pressing in a bit deeper on Jimin's shoulders. The boy sucked in some air, almost hissing in pain, but didn't say anything.

"What was he like? Before he... you know?"

"He was..." There was a long drawn out silence, as if Yoongi was searching for the right words. "I know this sounds weird after all the stuff you have heard from him since you got to know me but he was a really good natured person. If hadn't been sure I was going to marry my mum once I grew up I probably would have decided I was going to marry my dad." Yoongi chuckled warmly, his hands still working Jimin's shoulders, but his grip was really soft at the moment.

"I mentioned it before but because I grew up with the two of them I was waaaay too naïve and good natured. People picked on me a lot because of it and I always went to my dad, who'd then tell me that they totally deserved some ass beating but that he was proud that I wasn't the one to make sure they would get what they deserved." A long exhale. "It's really sad that my mum had to divorce him, but if she hadn't he would have taken her down with him.

My father got himself in a lot of debt at a young age because he wanted to get proper education, but because of his own family issues he never finished college. The money he owned them got more and more and it put a lot of pressure on my mum. They ended up fighting a lot, starting when I was around fifteen. When I was seventeen my mother couldn't take it anymore. They divorced on friendly terms but my dad kind of lost his will to fight." Yoongi explained, his voice calm, but Jimin could tell by the small wavers in his voice that Yoongi wasn't as comfortable about telling him as he acted.

"I bet he was happy to have you by his side." Jimin tried. He wasn't sure what to say. Consolation had never been one of his strong sides, but he'd try nevertheless.

There was a long stretched out silence, neither of them saying a word, the only sounds being the occasional rustling of clothes when Yoongi moved his hands to a different spot. Jimin silently wished he could see Yoongi's face. He couldn't read the emotions on his face and couldn't react to them accordingly.

"I just hope that he finally managed to let go and didn't worry in his last seconds." Yoongi admitted, his hands freezing on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin felt Yoongi's head drop against his back before hands wrapped around him from behind.

Jimin felt his heart tighten in his chest. Slowly he reached down, placing his own arms over Yoongi's and soothingly running his hand over the Yoongi's. He couldn't turn around to hug him, so this would have to do.

He could hear Yoongi exhale shakenly and Jimin realized that he had to be crying. Not caring about not making any movements Yoongi didn't want him to make anymore, Jimin turned around and pulled Yoongi into a tight hug. Yoongi responded by dropping his head on Jimin's shoulder and burying his face in it.

"Shhhhh. Everything's going to be okay." He reassured, soothingly rubbing Yoongi's back and kissing his shoulder, trying to calm Yoongi down. "He's in a better place now. Somewhere where he doesn't have to worry anymore."

The only reaction he got from Yoongi was that his hands tightened around Jimin's sweater. Yoongi was a silent crier but Jimin could feel his clothes get damper where Yoongi's face was resting.

"Trust me... everything will be fine."


I'm not crying... you are

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