Chapter 82

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So after the last chapter all of you probably are sad, so here is a chapter of Jimin having amusing existential crises<3

Also surprise surprise<3

I will be updating every wednesday and saturday from now on~

Chapter 82


„Move your ass Mr. Park. You're not here to laze around. If you want to stare holes into the air you can leave, but don't expect to get paid." His boss warned when he caught Jimin on his phone in the back of the kitchen.

Jimin had to bite his lip to hold back and not insult the man. Instead he nodded, gritting out a silent 'sorry'.

"You better be. If I catch you on your phone again, I'll make sure to keep you here longer." The guy stated before leaving the room. Jimin made a face, pushing his phone back into his pocket.

He turned around to Yoongi, who was watching him with an amused glint in his eyes. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything."

"Your eyes do." Jimin muttered, opening one of the three dishwashers, and started piling up the plates before placing them in the shelves.

"What do they say?" Yoongi teased with a smug expression, moving next to Jimin and helping the boy.

"They are making fun of me for being incapable of doing this shit for longer than ten minutes without being distracted." Jimin muttered, grabbing one of the pots and placing it on the stove, since the guys cooking always needed as many pots as possible.

"Not really. It's relatable. It's just funny to see someone scold you while you're not allowed to say anything against it." Yoongi stated grinning.

"You..." Jimin began, standing up straight, but before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi pecked his lips.

"I'll wipe the tables. You can insult me later." Another peck, this time to his cheek, before Yoongi jogged out of the kitchen. Jimin pouted, watching as Yoongi left him alone back here. He was condemned to kitchen duty while Yoongi, who already had more experience in catering, was allowed to serve the customers too.

They were half way through the month of jobbing and Jimin was ready to throw his towel with this whole thing. God he hated being bossed around. The only person that he let boss him around was Yoongi and just under certain circumstances. Because Yoongi was intelligent as fuck and felt so much more mature than Jimin was.

But his boss was the opposite. An asshole that probably would never make it far in life and who let that frustration out on his employees. Everything in Jimin's body resisted against following his orders, but he had to bite down his pride and do it.

Because with the money he would make he and Yoongi could finally go on holidays together.

He was going to force himself through this.

Good night<3

You too

Jimin was lying in bed, his eyes resting on the big flat screen television. It was hot. Unbearably hot. Summer was around the corner and Jimin felt like his AC wasn't working at all. He knew it was but that didn't change anything about the heat that was covering his room and made him sweat excessively even though he was just wearing plain black boxers.

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