Chapter 66

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Chapter 66


"What do you want to watch?" Yoongi asked as he grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him inside.

"Maybe... I don't know... How to train your dragon?" Jimin suggested. He had checked all the movies the cinema screened and he'd struggled a bit with deciding which one to watch since hardly any good ones were currently played. How to train your dragon was the only one he kind of wanted to see, even with it being a children's movie.

"The second one?" Yoongi asked, casually interlinking their fingers.

"Yeah. Wait, have you seen the first one?" There were a couple of people sending weird glances their way for holding hands but Jimin couldn't have cared less.

Yoongi nodded slowly. "Yeah... I might have a bit of a weird obsession with some animated children's movies. How to train your dragon being one of them."

Not being able to stop himself Jimin laughed out loud. "Same. I thought I was being weird."

They reached the short line where the tickets were sold. "So we'll watch it?" Jimin asked, running his hand through his hair before pushing it deep into the pocket of his jeans.

"Sure." The girl in front of them finished and Yoongi started talking to the woman behind the glass, telling her which film, that they'd prefer to sit somewhere in the middle and if there was any discount for students. When he was done he grabbed his wallet and paid, Jimin still watching him.

It was weird. Usually Jimin was the one to take care of paying, talking and overall taking the lead during anything he'd do with friends or girls he was planning to hook up with. Being the one to sit back and get taken care of was a nice change.

"We'll have to wait for another 20 minutes before the movie starts." Yoongi said once he'd received the tickets. "Let's go get some popcorn, shall we?"

They spent the next ten minutes before exploring the cinema hall, talking about attractive features on people, which was quite the funny topic since both of them had a lot to add to the conversation.

"Look. That girl we just passed had hair like that." Yoongi stated as they entered the big hall.

"No, that was too curly. Curly automatically looks a bit chaotic."

"Looking chaotic doesn't mean it's not taken care of well." Yoongi reassured, taking his place and handing Jimin his popcorn while he took the jacket that was wrapped around his hip off and placed it on the empty seat next to him.

"But it's not attractive." Jimin pouted.

"It is."

"Should I get some curls?" Jimin joked, patting down on his hair.

"No! Don't you dare." Yoongi quickly said. "I'll kill you if you do."

"But you said it would look pretty." The younger teased, playing with a strand of his hair, looking at Yoongi with big fake surprised eyes.

"You've already reached perfection so don't change anything." The older said with such causality that it instantly made Jimin's cheeks tint as he sat down. "Don't say shit like that." It was audible how embarrassed he was.

"Don't provoke me to say shit like that." Yoongi laughed, grabbing Jimin's hand and glancing around. They were the only ones sitting in their row so no one would notice. Not that Yoongi really cared what others thought of him, but he didn't want to bring Jimin into problematic situations. One scenario being that they might have to listen to homophobic comments throughout the whole movie.

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