Chapter 50

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I'm allowed to update finally now I'm happy~~~💕

Chapter 50


"No no no, not that! Don't, please, just..." Jungkook groaned as he watched Taehyung drop a whole cut up chili pepper in the soup. "We're so gonna die eating this." He sighed, patting Taehyung's shoulder before moving towards the soup, grabbing a spoon and fishing out a couple of pieces of chili he could spot. He could try.

"Sorry." Taehyung muttered, watching as Jungkook tried to save their dinner.

Jungkook shook his head. "It's okay. Could you get the coriander and cut it up into small pieces?"

Judging by the confused look on Taehyung's face, he could not. "Fridge. The green thing. Why the hell do I know the contents of your kitchen better than you?"

"Because I usually just go out to eat." Taehyung complained, searching for the herb. When he spotted something green, he pulled it out and turned to Jungkook. "This?"

Looking up from the pot, Jungkook nodded, swearing when some hot water splashed on his hand. Worried about it, Taehyung quickly walked over. "Should I take over?" He glanced at Jungkook's hand, checking for any red spots.

"It's all right." Jungkook chuckled, pulling his hand back and using it to push Taehyung's bangs out of his face. "Come on, go do your job." He pointed at the green herb in his hand.

Nodding enthusiasticall, Taehyung started snipping it into small pieces, Jungkook glancing at him every couple of seconds just to make sure he didn't risk cutting himself. Taehyung wasn't the most well-coordinated when it came to cooking, but he wasn't doing as bad as he could have.

Letting the soup rest on the stove, Jungkook scooted closer to Taehyung, explaining how to hold the knife and the herb to cut quicker and with less risk of hurting himself. "Here, you need to angle your hand like this. That way, it's pretty much impossible to end up with the blade anywhere near you.

Jungkook grabbed the knife and showed Taehyung how he hold it before swiftly moving the knife and chopping about half of the herbs, then handing it back to Taehyung. "Now you."

Nodding, Taehyung grabbed it and got his hands into the position Jungkook had showed him. Jungkook made a small correction before patting his back and giving his approval for Taehyung to do the remainder of the work.

They stood there working in silence, simply enjoying being able to let their thoughts wander until Taehyung spoke again. "How is your brother? You don't really talk about him."

Jungkook looked up from where he was checking on the rice steamer to make sure it was thoroughly done. "He's... what could I say? A boy hitting puberty. I think I might be spoiling him a bit too much, but I can't really say no to him."

Taehyung felt jealous at how much warmth Jungkook's eyes seemed to hold.

"He's pretty lucky to have you as his brother. What about your parents? Where are they?"

For some reason, he expected Jungkook's mood to drop at the mention of his parents. After all, they didn't seem to be around, but instead, Jungkook just continued shoveling the rice into two bowls while answering. "We never got to know them. We grew up in an orphanage. As soon as I was old enough, I left and took him with me. It's always been the two of us against the world."

Taehyung nodded slowly, before moving over towards the soup pot. "You're pretty cool. Not gonna lie."

Jungkook looked surprised at the compliment before a warm smile spread over his features. "Thanks. You are, too, though. In a different way, but you don't have it easy, either. I mean, I keep catching you not working and most of the time, instead of playing on your phone or something like a normal person, you're reading those boring books on stocks or whatever." Jungkook scrunched up his nose in disgust and Taehyung couldn't help but laugh. "And you probably have a lot of expectations to fulfill and stuff like that. Life is never easy."

Still smiling, Taehyung sighed and ladled the soup in another set of bowls. Jungkook was watching him. "It never is. But at least I'm pretty stable, financially. Even if we ended up going bankrupt, there is enough money on the side for me to never have to lift a finger in my life again."

"And is that reassuring?" Jungkook took the bowls from Taehyung's hand and placed them on the table next to the rice bowls.

"Not really." Taehyung admitted, sitting down next to Jungkook.

"See? I think the amount of pressure we live under is pretty comparable." Jungkook said, grabbing his spoon, scooping up a bit of rice and dipping it in the soup before holding it in front of Taehyung's mouth, who didn't even really think about it and just opened his mouth.

Jungkook giggled. "I didn't think you'd actually let yourself be fed."

The older shrugged his shoulders before starting to eat his own portion.

"I'm tired." Jungkook muttered, yawning loudly while stroking Taehyung's head in his lap, the boy almost falling asleep to Jungkook running his hand through his hair.

"Do it like me and sleep like this." Taehyung said sleepily, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's legs.

"Whatever his highness says, right?" Jungkook asked in a judging tone, daring to stop his hand from playing with Taehyung's hair any further.

There was a pretty instant reaction. "Nooo, don't stop. Keep going." The older whined, grabbing Jungkook's hand and patting it down onto his hair himself.

"Sorry, but I'll have to drive home." Jungkook said, smoothing Taehyung's hair down, who grimaced.

"Not okay. You can stay over. I'll pay you overtime. Please?" Taehyung begged, turning around and looking at Jungkook with those big puppy eyes.

Leaning his head back, Jungkook groaned frustratedly. "I can't. A lot of shit has happened from staying over at a client's place and I don't want to risk something like that again. I never sleep at someone else's place."

Now Taehyung was looking at him like a kicked puppy, not a normal one. "Don't you trust me?"

Jungkook's frustration was pretty visible. "I do trust you for the most part... it's just... I really don't feel comfortable and I can't really sleep, anyways."

"Can't we give it a try? I promise you I'll do absolutely nothing."

There was a long pause as Jungkook thought about it. If he ended up not being able to sleep, at least he could give Taehyung a good reason next time. He sighed.

"I guess. I'll send my brother a quick message." He made Taehyung get up from his comfortable pillow, his lap, before walking into the other room to fetch his phone.

He could hear Taehyung walk up behind him and wrap his arms around his hips, before supporting his chin on Jungkook's shoulder. "Does nothing mean I also don't get to kiss you?"

Jungkook quickly finished typing out the message before leaning his head back against Taehyung's shoulder. "If you want to, you can."

Being as tired as he was, Taehyung blurted out a question he probably wouldn't have asked if he had been able to think straight. "Do you like it? Kissing me, I mean."

There was a long silence and Taehyung had almost given up on receiving an answer when Jungkook finally answered. "Yeah, I do."


So the next chapter will be Yoonmin again because I know ya'll wanna know how this continues😏😂

We're also halfway through the story now! Another 50 chapters are left😖

Now small promo... I wrote a really cool taekook story called monster where taehyung is an therapist that ends up working as Jungkook's therapist at the lab where they are experimenting on Jungkook because they don't know what exactly he is.

Just that he isn't human.

That story has been getting really little attention so it would mean a lot if you went and checked it out😖💕

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