Chapter 53

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Chapter 53


Another few days passed, and honestly, everything went pretty well. Jimin wasn't allowed to stay at Yoongi's anymore. Because he'd been too annoying about wanting to come over, Yoongi had announced that Jimin wasn't allowed to talk about it unless Yoongi was the one to mention It.

Not happily, but Jimin accepted that maybe he was being a bit (very) annoying and agreed to live with that rule.

It was about two weeks after their first meeting when something big happened again. Jungkook had to go to his brother's school because the boy was skipping too much and Yoongi had just finished his last class.

Everything had seemed peaceful the last couple of days, which was why he didn't really think much of it when he exited the school, late in the afternoon, with almost no one around at this time of day. He had his earphones on, listening to Namjoon's latest track, which was why he didn't hear the steps approaching him.

There was laughing, and just as he was about to turn around and check who was standing this close to him, something hit the back of his knees and made his legs give out under him. His knees scraped painfully over the cold asphalt. He didn't even get the chance to turn around when a knee collided with his face.

Not that he would have had to check who was standing next to him. It was pretty obvious who it was.

He fell onto his side, his face burning and feeling a bit disoriented. When he opened his eyes, he saw three faces standing over him, laughing at him. Still as weak as ever, apparently.

Tasting blood in his mouth, Yoongi forced himself to speak. "And you still need your two lackeys. Can't even take care of a boy on the ground on your own. Classic."

He saw the look on the front guy's face switch from one of mockery to annoyance. "I don't need those two." He gestured at them to move back a step, and they did, before he sent a forceful kick to Yoongi's stomach.

Coughing, Yoongi braced himself on his arms again, looking up at the guy. "Yeah, sure you don't. That's why you keep them right there to save you in case I act up. Poor baby is scared." Yoongi taunted him, receiving another painful kick to the stomach, but his plan worked out when the guy instructed the two other guys to walk to the bus station without him while he 'took care' of Yoongi.

It was funny, really, how much one could toy with someone's pride. Not that it really saved Yoongi. It just meant two pairs of feet less to kick him, which certainly was an upgrade.

"So, where were we?" The guy asked looking down at Yoongi, who was staring straight up at him. "Right."

He stepped on Yoongi's head, forcing his cheek to the stony ground. Yoongi hissed at the feeling of pressure on his already hurt cheek.

"You were teasing me. Anything else to say?" The guy mocked and maybe it would have been better for Yoongi to simply shut up. But it had never been one of his talents to keep his mouth shut.

"Go ahead. Try to hurt me with those stick legs of yours."

The guy's face went serious before he moved back from Yoongi's head, kicking Yoongi in the stomach right after. Once, then twice. Yoongi tried to curl up, to protect his stomach, but whimpered in pain when, instead of his stomach, his healing chest was hit. Something hot shot through his torso, but he wasn't even able to concentrate on the feeling when another hit went to his face and he managed to bring his hands up just in time to save himself from a broken nose.

The guy went on, but Yoongi's field of vision was starting to flicker and blur. Breathing got a lot harder and he really hoped that it had nothing to do with his ribs. He could feel himself losing his grasp on what was happening, but the boy standing over him kept going.

Just when Yoongi was about to black out, someone else appeared in his field of vision punching the guy that had just been attacking Yoongi seconds ago across the face. Yoongi felt relief wash over him. After that everything went black.


Don't hate me~

I got a question for ya'll. How did you stumble across my story? Was it in your recommendations or more just on coincidence? If it was in your recommendation if you remember was it underneath a story? If yes which one?

Sorry for all those questions😂

I bet ya'll reeeeally wanna read the next chapter now💕

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