Chapter 94 | Smut

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Chapter 94


Jimin's heart was more than racing when he opened the first search result. A link to a profile. Yoongi's profile. Or rather Suga's, but that didn't really matter. It was still Yoongi. Probably a page full of videos of his boyfriend fucking girls.

Maybe it should have been weird because of that, but that wasn't really the part that made Jimin nervous. Even after everything that had already happened between him and Yoongi, there was still that gnawing fear in the back of his mind. What if this wasn't going to work after all? What if he thought Yoongi's dick was disgusting? It sounded ridiculous even to him, but what if?

He watched the page load, his foot anxiously tapping. Should he really do this? Maybe this was a bad idea - he should just ask Yoongi whether he wanted to try something, not watch his videos. Yoongi surely would know a better way to slowly ease him into this... he sighed. As if. Jimin knew that this was something he had to work on. There was no reason for him to be this fearful... and still he could feel his hand itching to just close the page. Act like this had never happened.

Jimin sighed. No. He was going to do this. There was no way he would chicken out once again.

Finally the page finished loading. Jimin was greeted with a pretty basic profile. A profile picture of an a bit more muscular Yoongi, taking his picture in front of a mirror. No t-shirt, and in jeans. To his surprise black hair.

Jimin chuckled. For some reason that felt adorably amateurish, in a cute way. Something really had to be wrong with him if he thought Yoongi's profile picture here was cute. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves and gather his thoughts he closed his eyes for a few seconds before slowly scrolling down.

Honestly, he had no idea what exactly to expect. Still, he was somewhat surprised when most of the thumbnails didn't even show Yoongi. Just the girls he had filmed with, which of course made sense, considering that usually guys were the ones to watch porn, not girls. So, of course, it was made in a way to attract guys, too.

After scrolling down for a couple of seconds and only seeing naked girls, posing or moaning or whatever else, he simply clicked a random video. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he waited. For some reason skipping just to the middle felt wrong. He might just have been trying to draw it out though.

At first, there was the usual pornhub logo, then the actual video started. Just like the thumbnail, there was only a girl, slowly tracing her hands up and down her body, the camera following each of her movements, trying to catch every sexual angle. Jimin watched as she slowly spread her asscheeks, giving the viewer a pretty clear view of... well... everything there was to see.

Jimin sighed, feeling impatient. Only thirty seconds of the eight minute video had passed and it already felt like hours. He felt restless. On edge. On one hand he really wanted to see Yoongi, but on the other, he was really afraid to.

The girl continued moving in a way that Jimin had seen hundreds of times before. It was always the same in this type of video. Even before he had stopped finding porn interesting he'd never thought of those as particularly appealing.

Finally the video seemed to move on. It showed her leaning against a table, talking to someone behind the camera. A pov video. With a defeated sigh, Jimin leaned back. If it really was, it was pretty likely that he wouldn't see Yoongi at all in this video.

Nevertheless, he continued watching. He turned the volume of the video on. He'd completely forgotten about that.

He instantly recognized Yoongi's voice. It was a bit different. Rougher, like he was trying to make it sound deeper, even though it already was, somewhat at least. He asked the girl something, with a teasing tone. Jimin had missed the beginning of the sentence so he wasn't sure exactly what.

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