Chapter 98 | Smut

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Hey guys sorry for being late! I had school, then we moved and now I'm sick yaaay

Anyways little change in plans. This is the second last chapter but there will be a loooooong epilogue so you're not missing out on anything that was planned.

Just a little change management wise. Anyways enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 98


"You're back." Jimin climbed out of the bed, quickly pushing the warm blankets he'd spent the evening in while reading off his shoulders.

"I'm back." Yoongi smiled, shrugging his jacket off to store it in the closet where all his other jackets were.

"How did it go?" Jimin asked while patting Yoongi's hair down and leading him towards his bed that had somewhat become their bed over the last few months. Before, every once in a while Yoongi would kick Jimin out for a couple of days, demanding alone time, but that hardly happened anymore. Jimin had pretty much moved in with him for the most parts, maybe aside from the times Yoongi was really stressed and had to focus. "What did they say?"

Yoongi smiled tiredly, watching as Jimin started unbuttoning the button up he had been wearing. "It went well. You know I sent them some samples last week... and yeah, they like it I think. At least they said they would be interested in properly recording some of the songs."

Even though he sounded tired Jimin could tell that Yoongi was a lot more excited about this than he let show.

"I would have been surprised if they didn't. Your music is amazing." Jimin chuckled, while Yoongi slipped out of the buttom up, which left him sitting on the bed in only his jeans. He almost seemed a bit embarrassed, but it had nothing to do with his half naked state.

"It's not amazing..." he brushed off, pulling Jimin, who was squatting down in front of him to take off his socks, into a short kiss. Jimin giggled.

"Don't go all shy on me. It is amazing. You're able to finally put all these incredible songs out there and all of that in your name. How is that not amazing?" In a swift motion he sat down, straddling Yoongi's legs.

For a second Yoongi looked like he was about to say something regarding the topic but obviously changed his mind, instead addressing the position they were in.

"Okay, so my day aside... I really can't leave you alone for twenty four hours without you getting all horny." He chuckled, slipping his hand underneath the comfortable wide t-shirt Jimin was wearing, sensually brushing the tips of his fingers over Jimin's toned stomach.

"I missed you. And of course I'm horny. We didn't do shit last night because of how nervous you were. And? Was it that bad?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "No, it wasn't. Now shush, don't ruin the mood."

"No, not shush. I've had something special planned for today. Something I wanna try." Jimin whispered, softly pushing Yoongi's shoulders. "Now lay down. Let me take care of you."

Yoongi nodded, moving back a bit before lying down on his back, watching as Jimin positioned himself on top of him, his eyes slowly moving over his body as if they were taking in everything.

"So what is it you wanna try?" Yoongi asked, following Jimin's movement as he pulled his t-shirt over his head in awe. It still was hard to believe how well built Jimin was. How handsome he always was, no matter the angle and what situation he was in. Just always.

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