Chapter 44

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Chapter 44


When Yoongi checked his phone after sleeping for a while, he realized over two hours had passed. Jungkook hadn't come back yet to get his keys, but he probably would be, soon. He had said something about coming back around two pm, and it was one thirty-five.

Yawning, Yoongi sat up and glanced around the empty room. Admittedly, this was quite nice. He'd never been too fond of drawing and painting, himself, but he liked seeing other people's works. There were quite a few displayed in random places in the room. Some apparently to dry, while others seemed to have found their rightful places to be shown off.

He spent the next ten minutes skipping through his phone when he realized he really had to pee. He was sure Jungkook would take another 20 minutes to show up anyway, which is why he quickly got up, leaving his bag and things on the floor next to the bed, only taking his phone with him. He walked out of the room to search the hallway for the closest restroom.

Luckily it wasn't far from the art room, and Yoongi quickly did his thing before washing his hands. The door to the bathroom opened, and when he looked up, his eyes met familiar ones.

Not ones he'd like to see; it was the guy who'd fucked up his face this morning and the friend from the day before, in addition to a new face Yoongi hadn't seen before. He quickly looked down again, hoping they hadn't realized it was him, but when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he knew he was fucked.

Instead of waiting for them to make the first move, he spun around and pushed the guy nearest to him hard, who toppled over at the unexpected push. Yoongi tried sprinting towards the door, but one of the other guys quickly stepped between him and the exit and grabbed him by the hair, yanking his head against the wall without any hesitation.

Yoongi groaned in pain, lifting his hands to his head to protect it from any further damage. Bad idea. Now he didn't see the blow to his stomach coming.

Coughing and feeling like throwing up his previously consumed lunch, he dropped to his knees. He could watch the guy he had pushed earlier get up slowly, clearly annoyed at Yoongi for daring to fight back.

A pair of hands grabbed each one of his arms and pulled him up, holding him in place to the point where it was impossible for him to protect his body. The third guy glanced up and down his body. "You sure act all big for being as weak as you are."

"Not as weak as you, it seems. Three against one? Now that's just embarrassing, man." Yoongi provoked, kicking the guy against his shin. Just because he couldn't use his hands didn't mean he wouldn't fight back.

The guy swore before punching Yoongi across the cheek full force and sending Yoongi's head flying to the side. There was the typical metallic taste of blood on his tongue. He spat out a bit of blood onto the floor directly next to the shoes of one of the guys who was holding him before slowly lifting his head again and smirking at the guy. "Almost didn't feel that. What are those arms made of, darling? They're certainly not a real man's."

He was aware that provoking them wouldn't make the situation any better, but neither could it make it any worse.

The guy's face contorted in anger over the clear jab at his pride and Yoongi could feel all air being punched out of him when he received another blow to his stomach. Maybe he did deserve that one.

"Weak." He was almost whispering, but the guy picked up on it. This time, it was a knee to his stomach. Yoongi felt like all air was punched out of him, again.

And he remembered his healing rib.

He had been sitting on the bathroom floor for about an hour, not able to move, when he saw the door being pushed open and a person entering the room.

"Yoongi!" A familiar voice yelled in surprise, and Yoongi felt relief wash over him as he let his head fall back against the cold bathroom wall. He was safe. He felt the damn familiar feeling of his consciousness slipping through his hands and darkness filling up his head.



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