Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


Obviously, a couple of days passed a lot quicker than Yoongi had hoped for, and Jimin kept asking. It was somewhat cute that Jimin seemed to be really keen on meeting him, but at the same time, Yoongi was stressing over this way too much.

"You're not even gonna take that mask off to eat?" Jungkook asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I'm very sick." The older started fake coughing before glancing towards Jimin, who was sitting just a couple of seats away. Of course Yoongi hadn't thought the whole thing about sending a picture to Jimin through.

So, now he had to make sure the boy, who now knew what Yoongi looked like, didn't notice him.

"Yeah, sure you are. Crazy exes or something?" Jungkook asked, casually sucking on the straw of his coke.

"No crazy exes. Just someone I don't exactly want to know I go to this school." He stated and Jungkook nodded in understanding before going back to drawing in his notebook.

Scooting a bit closer, Yoongi glanced at Jungkook's sketch. "Watcha drawing, kid?"

Out of reflex, Jungkook quickly covered his work with his hands and Yoongi chuckled, amused by the younger's reaction.

"Nothing really." Jungkook muttered, not moving his hands away.

"Apparently it's enough of something to make you not wanna share it." The older teased and Jungkook scrunched up his nose.

"Why are you interested, grandpa?"

"Little piece of shit. Just a couple days into knowing you and you're already giving me attitude. I'm older than you." Yoongi complained while hitting the back of Jungkook's head, who just chuckled.

"I'm just sketching a pretty attractive coworker of mine." Jungkook stated, not moving his hand away.

"And that's bad enough to hide it from me?" Yoongi asked, raising one of his eyebrows. Jungkook scrunched up his nose. "He's not someone I should be thinking about."

"We all have our weird crushes and stuff like that. As long as you don't act on it?"

"It's not a crush!" Jungkook defended himself a bit too loud and a couple of heads turned.

"Of course it's not." Yoongi said before winking at Jungkook, who, instead of answering, just dropped his head onto the table.

"I give up."

So when are we going to meet?

Pls kill me

You're stressing the fuck out of me

Sorry :(

That's really not what I want

I'm just really looking forward to it?



It's not your fault

Just my head fucking with me

I mean what if you don't like me?

Maybe my chat persona is just too different from my usual self?

Don't worry about that

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