Chapter 89

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I swear to god this is ya'll😂

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I swear to god this is ya'll😂

Chapter 89


Things got awkward, to say the least. Yoongi took his time to properly introduce Namjoon and Jimin again, before reassuringly patting Jimin on the shoulder when Namjoon wasn't watching them. Namjoon had tried his best to be nice, but it seemed forced and it was more than obvious that he didn't seem all too fond of Jimin's presence.

Nevertheless, they set out to explore the city, or rather show Jimin around. Yoongi hoped the tense atmosphere would dissipate once Namjoon and Jimin started talking, but neither of them seemed willing to take the first step. Namjoon because of his fucking ego that always seemed to inflate the second someone was around who was a bit wealthier - typical poor boy reaction - and Jimin didn't seem ready, either. He looked a bit on edge and fidgety, and Yoongi completely understood why. Jimin had no idea what he and Namjoon had talked about and was left to guess what it had been about. Not that it was that hard to guess. Namjoon had made it pretty clear that he didn't like Jimin in the few seconds they had interacted.

Now Namjoon was taking the lead as they strolled through the streets of Daegu, while Jimin and Yoongi followed him in silence. To Yoongi's surprise Jimin at least tried talking to him, asking him a few questions about the city, where he had been a lot and others along those lines, even with the tense atmosphere; like he was trying to make the best out of the whole situation and that made Yoongi happy. Maybe Namjoon wasn't sure about Yoongi's decision, but Yoongi certainly was. He loved this boy no matter what anyone else thought. No matter how many times he'd have to scold Jimin about things that should have been common sense. If he was being honest, he actually kind of liked their whole dynamic. Everything was just so honest and comfortable, to the point where he seriously doubted that if things were to go wrong at some point and they would break up, he would ever find someone as amazing as Jimin; someone that fit him so well, put up with his moods, and seemed to always find the right words to say.

In the past, he had always pushed everyone away when he felt depressed because sometimes being alone was better, but with Jimin, he actually preferred Jimin being there than not, which certainly had to mean something.

"And this is the coffee store I used to do my homework in. The owners were really nice and let me stay in there even when I didn't buy anything." Yoongi explained at the building they just passed. Namjoon hadn't said anything for more than five minutes, but Yoongi was just going to ignore him. Neither of them were perfect and he wasn't going to play along with whatever silent treatment Namjoon was giving them or what else this was supposed to be. He knew he would come around at some point.

"So your school is close?" Jimin asked, curiously eyeing the store.

"No, it isn't. I actually had a one hour way to school. But we did live pretty close, moved though." Yoongi explained, thinking back to when he had spent hours on the bus every day, sometimes studying, sometimes reading or writing lyrics. It was a nice memory and for a moment he was flooded with nostalgia, before being ripped out of his thoughts by Jimin's voice again.

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