Chapter 65

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Here an idea of what Jimin looks like this chapter. Just hairstyle wise. The clothing is similar but a bit different

 The clothing is similar but a bit different

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Also small heads up

Jimin is stupid... I know

Chapter 65


Jimin was standing by the entry of the cinema, the place he and Yoongi had compromised on meeting up. He had been the one to suggest picking Yoongi up, but Yoongi had rejected, saying he didn't want Jimin's car around his apartment building again, since people might end up picking his lock or shit thinking it was his. Bitter.

When Jimin glanced at the time he realized that he was quite a bit too early. Another twenty minutes before their planned meet up time. Honestly he had no idea when he had last been this over-punctual.

I'm early

When will you be here

I'm on the bus rn

15 minutes?

Tell the driver to hurry up :--.

I wanna see your hair

Smiling at the thought of seeing Yoongi again he closed the chat with him before noticing a different chat that had moved down a couple of spaces. He tapped opened it up, looking at the video he had last send. The guy hadn't answered, but that honestly wasn't surprising at all.

Jimin just hoped he'd gotten his message across anyways. The video was taken about a week back. It showed a slim girl with a ponytail, entirely naked, her back towards the camera and on her hands and knees as Jimin fucked her. Admittedly he was relieved he'd even managed to get a hard on, or at least hard enough to take the video. Making sure the guy would see who that girl was he had pulled her head to the side by her hair.

He still felt a bit disgusted at the thought of that evening. He wouldn't have slept with her if it wasn't for payback. Since he really didn't want to prolong it any more than necessary, he'd even faked coming into the condom, before quickly fucking off, leaving the girl unsatisfied.

Not that he had any ounce of pity for that girl. She hadn't even batted her lashes at the thought of cheating on her boyfriend.

Jimin let out a bitter laugh at the words underneath it.

Better keep your girlfriend on the leash

It's Jimin btw

And I just want you to know not to fuck with my friends

Hope you keep that in mind

He'd done a lot of worse shit to people who'd set him off in the past, but he didn't want to be that person anymore. It was exhausting. Always being the bad guy. Having everyone be scared of him. And threatening their family and shit. As if their parents had any fault in how their children turned out. To some extend they did but some really weren't at fault.

Sighing he leant against the wall of the cinema building and closed his eyes. Maybe time would pass by faster this way? He heard some giggling and when he opened his eyes he spotted two girls standing a couple of meters from him, talking to each other and sending glances his way.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket again.


Save me

Some women are lusting after me


I'll be there soon

"Excuse me?" When he heard a voice his head snapped up and he came face to face with one of the girls. "Uhm... could I get your number?"

Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line, quickly scanning the area for Yoongi, his savior, but of course the boy wasn't there. When he looked back at the girl, she was smiling a bit awkwardly, her friend behind her trying her hardest to hide from Jimin's field of vision.

"Sorry, I'm dating already." Jimin simply stated, expecting them to accept and leave but the girl seemed rather keen on talking to him.

"Really? That's nice. I think I've seen your Instagram before by the way. You're really good looking." Chuckling awkwardly Jimin nodded. "Thanks, I guess." He didn't want to be mean, but honestly he had no idea how to deal with the situation without being rude like he used to whenever someone flirted with him he wasn't interested in.

Luckily Yoongi came to his rescue, suddenly standing next to him and throwing his arm around Jimin's shoulder. "Sorry ladies, he's with me."

Surprised by the new face the girl stared at Yoongi for a couple of seconds before very obviously checking him out. Not that Jimin couldn't relate. The black earrings, tight jeans and white t-shirt looked pretty damn good on him. Wait, white? This had to be the first time Jimin had seen Yoongi in a different 'color' than black.

"Could I maybe have your number?" The girl asked Yoongi, completely deprived of any shame for repeating what she had tried on Jimin just seconds before. Jimin let out a disbelieving laugh. "The nerve. The fucking nerve."

Yoongi chuckled before shaking his head and lifting his hand, pointing at the ring on his ring finger. "Sorry, I'm taken. Could you leave us alone please? We were planning on spending a nice boys' evening. No girls allowed."

When the girls left, clearly a bit crestfallen, Jimin turned to Yoongi, raising an eyebrow. "Is there something you haven't told me?" He asked gesturing at Yoongi's hand.

"Yeah that I'm a genius when it comes to rejecting people." Yoongi said, laughing, taking off the ring and handing it to Jimin. "Just an ordinary accessory ring. Nothing special. No meaning. I just like it. But it's great at making chicks stay off my dick."

"Wow." Jimin laughed, glancing at his hand. "Maybe I should get something like that too."

"Here." Instead of saying anything further, Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and slid the finger onto his ring finger. "Look, now we're married." Laughing at Jimin's confused face Yoongi patted Jimin's shoulder. "It's a spontaneous present. I have a similar one at home anyways so I can just give you this one."

Jimin nodded slowly, looking at the ring on his finger. He liked it a lot more than he would want to admit. It was a simple metal ring. Nothing special. No design. No real silver. Just a plain accessory, but if Yoongi had asked him to give it back at that moment he probably wouldn't have.

"Thanks." He could feel his cheeks heating up. It was the first time he'd received a present from Yoongi.


Pls don't hate Jimin. Pls don't hate Jimin. Pls don't hate Jimin😖

Instead look forward to the next fluff chapters... there are a lot of them❤

And the video will come up as a topic again. Just not yet.

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