Chapter 96 | Smut

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Chapter 96


"So, what do you think of my apartment?"

"Do you want my honest opinion?" Yoongi glanced through the apartment, from where they were sitting on the couch. Admittedly this thing felt a little surreal to Yoongi. They were in the penthouse of one of Seoul's highest skyscrapers and Yoongi could see the whole city when he looked outside the giant glass surface that was supposedly the outer wall. It looked a little dangerous, but Jimin had reassured him the glass was just as stable as a wall could be.

The fact that Jimin's apartment was the same size as his mum's house had been was also a little scary. Overall... it was just so much. This was the type of apartment he maybe would have seen in a magazine but never actually stepped into.

But it was also Jimin's apartment and Yoongi had so many mixed feelings about this. Jimin was precious but everything he owned was fucking terrifying and Yoongi couldn't even begin to grasp just how much Jimin actually had.

"A little intimidating not going to lie. You're intimidating with how comfortable you are here, but I will get over it... you have a nice view though."

Jimin snickered pulling Yoongi to stand up. "Oh how the tables have turned... usually I feel like you're intimidating with how much you have your shit together."

Yoongi laughed letting himself be pulled in closer for a short kiss. "I really don't. Simply am good at creating the illusion I am."

Being there half hugging Jimin as they spoke made this whole thing a little less scary. It was Jimin's apartment not some strangers. Yoongi had no reason to feel out of place.

"How do you like the rest of the apartment?"

"It's really pretty and looks hella expensive... but also kind of comfortable... if I actually felt comfortable sitting down anywhere."

Jimin chuckled, shaking his head amused.

"You'll get over it over time. When I moved out of my parent's house, I really wanted darker colors, so I got most of the furniture in brown. It feels less empty." Jimin explained pulling away again and sitting down on the sofa and patting the space next to him.

Yoongi's eyes kept wandering over the room. The floor was a soft wooden tone and, as Jimin had said, most of the furniture was brown. There was a brown shelf on opposite side of the sofa, and, next to it, a television. Jimin even had a small mini bar in the corner of the room. There was a niche where the wall's surface was made of black stone with a marble table behind a bit of space to stand while preparing drinks.

The corner looked almost untouched, though. Yoongi wondered how often Jimin had people over, but he was pretty sure that it hardly ever happened; maybe Taehyung and Jessie, but Yoongi couldn't think of anyone else. The minibar was kind of useless.

Nevertheless, Yoongi asked out of simple curiosity. "Do you usually have people here?"

"How did you think of that question while staring at the minibar? Wait, okay, nevermind, that kind of makes sense..." Jimin chuckled. "Hardly ever. When I meet Taehyung, it's usually at his place. Jessie, back when we still used to hook up with each other occasionally, and sometimes one night stands, but that was pretty seldom. Overall, rarely." he explained, before wrapping his hand around Yoongi's.

"Also, I've been practically living at your place these last months, so it's completely empty almost all the time."

A sigh left Yoongi's lips and he jabbed Jimin's side. "At least pay rent since you're even aware of the fact that you're my roommate now. I swear, you always talk about people using you, but I'm the one who's being used."

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