Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Jimin grabbed his bag, jogging out of the classroom. If he hurried up a little, he was going to make it in time. He only had a ten-minute break and his next class was in the other part of the building, but he was hungry so he wanted to go to the cafeteria first.

He was about halfway to the cafeteria, when he glanced back at his phone. Seven minutes. He could make it.

In his hurry he didn't see the boy coming his way, instead they crashed. Jimin's phone falling from his hand skidding over the hallway floor with a loud noise. Even though there had been so much noise around them just seconds ago everything went dead quiet.

Students from all grades turning around to watch what was about to happen. They knew Jimin's face. They knew who he was. They knew about his reputation.

Jimin could feel his shoulders tensing. They were whispering all around him. Watching him with curious eyes, waiting for what he was about to do. So they could go run off and tell their friends about it.

Jimin gritted his teeth, turning around to the boy, that was looking at him wide eyes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Don't you have eyes?" There was more whispering. Jimin could feel himself grow angrier, when the boy in front of him cowered away.

"I'm sorry."

Jimin looked over at his phone. There was a crack on the screen. Of course, there was. And of course, he was going to be late too. Nothing to eat for him for another two hours. How else could it be?

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Jimin gritted out before holding out his hand. "Give me your backpack."

The student clearly knew who he was, because he did without any questions. No attempt at fighting back. He just quickly pulled it off his shoulder handing it to Jimin.

Jimin quickly skimmed over the contents of the bag, before pulling out the guys luchbox. He moved over to a trashbin, the gathering of students quickly moving out of his way, clearly not wanting to get involved in this.

"I'm not getting lunch so neither are you." Jimin dropped the contents of the box in the bin, before simply dropping the whole box in there too. Then he turned the backpack around dropping all of the folders and notebooks on the floor.

"Keep your eyes open next time." He turned around to everyone watching. "And you guys fuck off. I'm angry right now and I really feel like punching someone in the face." He hated this. It was like he was some sort of sensation to watch.

Clearly anxious about getting on Jimin's bad side everyone dispersed into different directions.

He watched as the boy scrambled to his feet to gather all of his stuff of the floor. Jimin just let him, walking past him.

Of course, he was late for his next class. Not that the teacher really acknowledged it. He just ignored it as Jimin walked into the room.

It took him around half his next lesson, that he had done exactly what Yoongi had told him not to do anymore. Was he supposed to tell Yoongi now... but he didn't want Yoongi to think badly of him.

He groaned dropping his head on the table. Him being nicer certainly hadn't worked out too well.


I come to you

For I have sinned

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