Chapter 55

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Guide how to be an asshole 101

Step 1)
Be me

So if ya'll didn't like vkook and their timing before, now you certainly will hate them💕😂

Love you guys and I'm so sorry😂

Chapter 55


Taehyung was just sweeping the outer part of the gas station when a middle-aged man pulled up in his jeep. The guy got out of his car, sending a quick glance in Taehyung's way before angrily stomping inside.

Worried what might be happening, Taehyung leaned the broom against a wall and followed him inside. Jungkook wasn't in the main area and neither was the guy. There were no customers,but there was yelling in the back of the store. In the staff-only part of the store.

Taehyung was hesitant whether he should butt in, but decided he really wanted to know what the hell was happening.

They were in the dressing room and hadn't even bothered to close the door. Watching from the entrance, he could finally make out words. "Have you fucking lost your mind?! Are you retarded?" The older yelled at Jungkook, who seemed to shrink with every word, his hands balled into fists around his uniform.

"I tell you to do one thing! One fucking thing you are supposed to do! Do you want me to lose my job?! Is that it?!" Jungkook cowered even more, not making eye contact with the guy.

"I let you have this job because I took pity on you! Because you were that sad child with the big eyes begging at my door to employ you so you could get your brother out of that orphanage. And that's how you pay me back?!" Taehyung really wanted to know what Jungkook had done so wrong for the guy to yell at him that much.

The guy's anger seemed to grow when Jungkook wouldn't make eye contact with him. There was a loud sound and Jungkook's head was tilted to the side, tears welling up in his eyes and his cheek a burning red.

It hurt Taehyung to see him like this, which is why he finally decided to step in. "What's going on?"

The guy's eyes shot up at him and he quickly grabbed Jungkook's arm and forced the boy to face Taehyung too. Taehyung felt something sting in his heart when Jungkook avoided his gaze, simply glancing to the floor.

The older guy pushed Jungkook's head down in a bow and bowed himself. "I'm sorry for your inconvenience. My nephew here." He hit the back of Jungkook's head. "Is not very good in following instructions. I told him not to assign you to any tasks and he won't listen." Taehyung watched in horror as he roughly pulled Jungkook up by the hair before forcing him to bow again.

And Jungkook still didn't meet his eyes, instead biting his lip and looking like he might cry any second. Taehyung felt anger boil up inside him. "And what the hell was he supposed to do if not make me work? Do a three-person job all on his own?" Taehyung asked, grabbing Jungkook and pulling him towards him to make sure the guy wouldn't be able to hurt Jungkook any further.

"Jungkook is a swift worker. He would have managed somehow." The guy stated, looking at Jungkook, almost disgustedly, like he hadn't just said something that could have been a compliment.

"I don't care if he would have managed. I enjoyed working with Jungkook. You, on the other hand, I really don't like. Maybe I'll talk to my parents to get someone who's less of an asshole to take your job." He almost growled and the guy went pale.

He could feel Jungkook grab his arm and try to calm him down again. "Don't."

Jungkook finally spoke again and Taehyung was not going to ignore it even though he did feel like ripping the guy to shreds. Reluctantly, he turned to Jungkook, who was still not looking up at him, but holding onto his arm.

Taehyung placed his hand over Jungkook's and carefully patted down on it, before turning towards the guy who looked like his life had just passed in front of his eyes.

"We'll take the day off. You don't have anything to say against that, right?" Taehyung asked in a threatening tone. The guy quickly shook his head and Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm and pulled him out of the room.

"My clothes..." Jungkook said quietly, turning around, but Taehyung shook his head. "Get them tomorrow. We're not staying here another second."

Jungkook looked a bit hesitant and anxious but let himself be pulled along with Taehyung. Taehyung opened the door to his car and Jungkook slipped in, glancing at the gas station, but saying nothing. The tears in his eyes were no longer visible, but Taehyung could tell that Jungkook didn't feel any better.

He sat down in the driver's seat and grabbed Jungkook's hand, squeezing it softly for a couple of seconds. Jungkook gave him a short, weak smile and Taehyung let go, not really wanting to, but he wouldn't be able to drive this car of his while holding Jungkook's hand.

They sat in silence for a minute or something like that, the only sound being the rhythmic noise of the windshield wiper moving, and rain pattering on the windshield.

"I know it looks bad right now, but everything will be all right. There's no way I'll let him have his way and treat you like that. Even if that means we'll have to get you a new job. You hear me?" Jungkook sniffed and nodded before wiping his eyes.

"Nooo, don't cry. Please don't cry. You make me sad." Taehyung whined and Jungkook chuckled, sniffing even louder this time. "Sorry."

"It's okay... I'll hug you all right? I'll hug you as soon as we're at my place... and I'll not let you go for hours."

Taehyung kept his promise. They were cuddled up on his couch, Jungkook in the front, Taehyung hugging him from behind.

There was a movie playing on the television, but neither of them was really paying attention. Jungkook just laid there with his eyes closed, sniffling every once in a while, while Taehyung was patting his side and trying to sooth him.

It was sad how helpless he was. There was nothing he could do but wait for Jungkook to calm down again. For the boy to relax and fall asleep.

"Do you want something? I could get it... water... food... jewelry... a car... a house." Jungkook chuckled softly at Taehyung's last few offers.

"No... it's all right. Just stay like that... I like it." He grabbed the arm Taehyung had placed under his head and snuggled into it.

Another half an hour passed until Jungkook's breathing seemed to steady and he slowly began to relax entirely in Taehyung's arms. It was the first time Jungkook fell asleep right next to him. Maybe it was due to exhaustion, but Taehyung really hoped that maybe it was because he knew he could trust Taehyung.


So I will upload the next chapter (that will be Yoonmin) in two days.

So even if you're sad right now you only have to wait two days instead of four because it's not this vkook chapter I'll upload in two days.

Confusing? Yeah I know😂

(Editing me: you can relax the new chapter will come tomorrow<3)

Anyways love ya'll seriously and I'm so hyped to share how Yoonmin's story continues with you!!!

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