Chapter 56

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Chapter 56


Jimin was sitting on one of those hard, uncomfortable hospital chairs waiting for news on Yoongi when a familiar face showed up in front of him.

"Jimin. Could I ask you some questions?"

He nodded and the guy looked around. "Not here."

Jimin nodded again, sending one last look towards the receptionist, who had promised to tell him if there were any news on Yoongi's condition, before following the guy.

They entered a hallway where they were undisturbed. "As usual, we can make sure nothing about this ends up reaching the public." Ji Soo stated, but Jimin shook his head.

"I don't want this to be covered up. I want a lawsuit on that guy."

Confused by what Jimin was saying, the other furrowed his brows. "Which one?"

"The one with the black hair. He beat that other guy up." Jimin stated and Ji Soo looked a bit annoyed.

"Look, Jimin, you have to work with me here. Nothing will reach the public, but you have to be honest with me."

Jimin groaned in frustration. "I am being honest. The blond guy is a friend of mine. I beat the other one up because he was hurting him. I didn't do anything to the blond one. I swear." Ji Soo seemed a bit skeptical.

"Are you sure? You're not lying? He'll say the same when he wakes up?"

"Yeah, he will." Jimin stated, a bit annoyed. He was thankful for covering shit up in the past when he used to bully people and all that, but right now, he was just making him feel frustrated.

"I guess. I hope you're telling the truth... because both you and I will be in trouble if you aren't."

Ji Soo was Jimin's cousin who had decided that he preferred working with the police over business, and had soon received a rather high rank in the Seoul police department due to connections and money.

"I swear I'm telling the truth. Do you have any news on Yoongi?" Jimin asked, running his hand through his hair.

Ji Soo leant back. "He's in surgery right now. From what I heard, they said something about him already having had a broken rib that was broken again and posed a danger to his organs this time, so they had to do a surgical procedure to change its location."

Jimin bit his lip. This was his fault, he could have prevented this.

When they finally placed Yoongi in one of the rooms, Jimin was able to sit down next to him at last. He was told that Yoongi had received some rather strong anesthetics and wouldn't wake up for at least another three hours.

Not that Jimin really cared. He simply sat down next to Yoongi's bed, watching the boy sleep peacefully.


So you're asleep right now

So I'm gonna spam you<3

Because I'm bored~



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