Chapter 48

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Guess who couldn't stop themselves from updating again._.

So here is the chapter I've been wanting to share with you❤

Chapter 48


"When I said you could sleep over at my place again, I did not mean right away." Yoongi complained as Jimin slipped out of his shoes. Jimin mouthed a silent 'sorry', followed by a not-at-all-sorry smile.

"I kind of wanna see you longer. I need to make up for the time I didn't see you." Jimin stated. "Are we gonna watch a movie again? Please?" He begged, looking up at Yoongi with puppy eyes.

Yoongi groaned. "You are so gonna sleep in my bed again, aren't you?"

"Please?" Jimin pouted and Yoongi sighed deeply.

"Whatever. Try not to cling to me too much."

Jimin nodded enthusiastically "I won't." and they spent the remainder of the evening with Jimin clinging to Yoongi and falling asleep all over him again. This time, Yoongi didn't even bother to complain and, instead, just turned the lights off once the movie was over and cuddled up to Jimin for a good night's sleep.

After all, even though there was some inconvenience to it, feeling Jimin's warm body pressed up against him, wearing his sweatpants and t-shirt, was quite a nice feeling. He could get used to this.

Jimin woke up at some point in the night and simply lay there, staring at the ceiling. He wasn't stupid. Or at least, not blind. He was pretty damn aware that the affection he felt towards Yoongi was not one of purely platonic nature. Not anymore.

But what was he supposed to do? He wasn't into guys. He was pretty sure about that, as weird as it might have seemed, considering he appeared to be slowly developing a crush. Not that he was planning on acting on it. Even after coming to that conclusion, he just wasn't into the idea of dating a guy.

Maybe he was still inflexible in that department, but he just didn't feel comfortable with the thought. A guy's body just wasn't the same as a girl's. There wasn't anything Jimin was attracted to about it. If he were to say something, he'd just make things awkward. So, he was just going to keep quiet. Especially since he really didn't want to ruin his friendship with Yoongi. He glanced over at Yoongi, who was sleeping soundly, one arm curled up around Jimin's back.

This was all right, right? He could enjoy the amount of skin ship that was acceptable for friends and wouldn't have to deal with the weirdness of not being attracted to a Yoongi's body. And the best part, they would continue being friends like they were right now.

Jimin's attraction would probably subside after some time, anyway. This was so weird. Who would have thought he'd end up crushing on a guy one day? It was lot more natural than he always thought it was. Yoongi was awesome and Jimin felt comfortable around him. Now, some small part in his brain wanted to be treated special by Yoongi. Not that Yoongi didn't treat Jimin like that already. But he wanted to be the only one.

But again... no way he was going to act on that. There was nothing that could come from it. After all, what was he supposed to say? 'I want you to be exclusive and only care about me, but sorry I don't think I'd want to sleep with you... eh.'

Yeah, nah, he wasn't going to do that to either Yoongi or himself.


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