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„Fuck, it's cold." Jessie rubbed her hands together as they walked from the car to the entry of the small onsen. It really wasn't surprising that she was complaining about the cold considering that she was only wearing hot pants and a tank top. There wasn't anything protecting her skin from the icy winds.

"I'd offer you my hoodie but it's warm and I wouldn't give it up, so I'm good. Sooooo comfortably warm." Jimin grinned. It wasn't like the way to the entrance was too far. Jessie would survive.

"Fuck you too." Jessie wrapped her arms around her upper body, jogging the rest of the way. The rest of the group took their time. It really was quite cold though. Winter certainly had made its entrance.

But that was exactly why they were had come in the first place. To enjoy the comfort of a hot spring while it snowed outside.

When they entered the small entrance area, Jessie had already gotten their keys. Aside from them there wasn't anyone there. They were probably all in their rooms or in the springs.

Jimin was really looking forward to soaking in the hot water. This was the his first 'holiday' since Yoongi had taken him on a road trip and he had really been looking forward to this. Mainly because everything he did with Yoongi was fun and it also meant they'd get three whole days to spend time together.

"Let's take everything to our rooms and then we meet up here again?" Taehyung suggested, his hand loosely thrown over Jungkook's shoulder.

"Actually..." Jessie raised her hand, like you would in school. "I have a confession to make."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, because whatever was going to follow now was probably dumb. He just knew. "What is it?"

"I..." She chuckled awkwardly. "...might have rented out the whole place." She quickly continued before any of them could protest. "Before you judge me. You all are guys and they separate women and men here so I would have been all on my own in the area for women. So I was thinking, if it was just us, I could just join you?"


"I mean, I don't care about you all seeing me naked. Taehyung and Jimin already have anyways and it's not like I care who sees my boobs. I have also already seen everyone but Jungkook naked... so, Jungkook? Is that alright with you?"

To Jimin's surprise Jungkook just shook his head. "It's not like boobs do anything for me or like I care about people seeing my body." Jungkook leaned a bit closer to Taehyung and Jimin couldn't help but smile.

"Good, so it's a deal." Jessie grinned, throwing her backpack over her shoulder. "I'll go store my clothes. It will take me a lot longer than you guys anyways. See you all in the boiling hot water~"

And then she was gone.

Yoongi was the first to actually use his brain again. "Wait, doesn't she have our keys?"

"What ruined the class trip?"

Everyone skipped through the cards in their hands, searching for the right card to use, with Jessie acting as the judge fur the round. After a few seconds most of them had decided on at least one card to pick, putting them heads down on the table before leaning back.

"What about you, Jungkook?"

"Wait, my cards are shit. Give me another second." Jungkook muttered, looking tortured as his eyes wandered over the cards before he sighed and finally added his card to the small pile.

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