Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


"Hey." Yoongi was laying in his bed, his eyes closed. He had to finally get a grip. All day long he had felt choked up and like everything was too much. Like he couldn't keep going any longer. He knew those days... he knew that it would pass. But that didn't change anything about how fucking real it felt.

Like everything was for nothing.

Just like he knew those days... he knew himself. He knew how much of an asshole he could be. He'd spit out things he never actually meant just to get people to stop talking to him. It was one of those days that was the reason he hardly had any friends that stayed.

He slowly exhaled before answering. "Hey."

There was a short silence before Jimin spoke again. "You don't sound so good."

"No shit, Sherlock." Yoongi said bitterly, his voice rough and tired. He felt so fucking tired.

"Wanna tell me about it?" Jimin ignored Yoongi's offhand comment, instead sounding concerned.

"Not really." Yoongi stated, staring at the ceiling. There were small black dots all over it, probably mold.

"Sheesh, work with me here." Jimin complained, his tone not losing any of its positivity towards Yoongi. "Come on. Get that shit off your chest. I'm here for you."

"Yeah, sure you are... you don't even know my face." He didn't know why he said that. It was what he felt like, but at the same time it wasn't like that at all. Swallowing thickly, he bit his lip. He should never have accepted Jimin's call. There was no fucking way this could end well.

He wasn't even able to get himself to apologize.

On the other end of the line, he could hear Jimin breathe in, trying to keep his calm.

"Listen here, asshole. I'm not going to let you leave until you tell me what the hell is wrong. You're not going to escape my grip, so save the two of us all the work and just answer my question. What happened?"

Yoongi could feel a chuckle bubble up in his chest and he wasn't even sure what it was. Maybe relief, or how ridiculous the fact was that Jimin didn't seem offended.

He didn't even notice as tears made their way to his eyes. "It's nothing... and that's not even a lie. Nothing happened. There is no fucking reason for me to feel the way I do right now, and I still do." Yoongi finally admitted, and he could hear Jimin sigh in relief on the other end of the line.

"Maybe a depressive episode?" He suggested, his voice soft and soothing. Yoongi could feel his chest tighten and loosen at the same time.

He really hoped Jimin didn't hear him sniffing, but even if he didn't, the fact that he was fighting back tears was obvious in his voice. "I don't know. Probably. I feel like shit right now. Like a worthless piece of shit."

There was a long silence before Jimin spoke up again. "You know that you aren't?"

"Am I? Because I really am not that sure? What do I do that actually is worth something? I work shit jobs making shit money, just to about make it through a month, almost starving. And the worst part: It will most likely never stop." He stated, feeling frustration build up again. Of course nothing would ever change. It was pretty much impossible to get out of this shithole called his life.

"You're being negative right now." Jimin complained, and rustling could be heard as he probably moved around the room.

"You're cool, intelligent, hardworking and pretty self-confident when you're not down at the moment. You take care of your father even though he's the reason you struggle this much. It might feel like you're moving in circles right now, but trust me, you have pretty great chances at making it big someday. Most who have made it to the top have had a point in their life where everything seemed in vain, but they kept going and made it. And I know for sure you will, too. Because you're pretty amazing, you know." Jimin babbled and Yoongi could feel a knot form in his throat again.

It helped. Hearing someone else say that he could make it. That he probably would make it. He ran his hand over his eyes, exhaling loudly.

"And stop crying. You're a man. Men don't cry." Jimin joked, his voice soft.

Chuckling Yoongi ran his hand over his eyes once again. "I'm gay, Jimin. I have a free pass to cry whenever I want."

"Pfff. I don't wanna hear you cry, though. I swear, every single time we talk to each other, you're down. I wanna hear a happy Yoongi for once. Come on. That can't be that hard to do." Jimin complained jokingly, and Yoongi could feel warmth course through his stomach at his small laugh at the end.

"Alright. I'll make sure to call you right after receiving my paycheck next time."

Jimin groaned in annoyance. "That was not what I meant!"

There was a relaxed silence in which Yoongi let himself fall back onto the bed, closing his eyes tiredly. His ribs made him flinch ever so slightly. He had forgotten about that.

Exhausted but feeling better, he let out a deep breath. "Jimin?"

The other boy's voice was soft when he answered. "Yeah?"

"I'm kind of worried..." Another drawn out silence. "My dad isn't home. He almost always is. I mean, he does go out occasionally,but it's ten pm and he isn't back yet." He pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Everything around here looks like it hasn't been used the last couple of days... I don't think he has been home for a while."

For a while, Jimin didn't say anything before speaking up again. "It never happened before? Maybe he's at a hotel? Or bar? You said he drinks?"

Yoongi nodded before realizing Jimin couldn't see him. "I already thought of it... It's not even a far-fetched idea... I'm just worried, I guess."

"Maybe go to the police. Wait until tomorrow to see if he comes back, and if he doesn't, file a missing person's report?"

Biting his lip in pain Yoongi sat up. "I will for sure. Um... wanna keep me company a bit longer? I don't know... the silence around here is killing me."

He could hear a soft chuckle from the other side.


I'm soft... don't touch me❤

Btw ya'll are amazing! I mean I told you already... I mean it tho!!!

Updating this story is really fun and the nice feedback I get every time makes it even more worth it💜

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