Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


A couple of days had passed since Taehyung had officially started working at the gas station and over that time, he had come to realize some things.

First, he had thought Jungkook was the worst. He hadn't exactly left a good impression on Taehyung pushing that mob into his hand, telling him to clean the bathroom. A gas station bathroom. Those for awful.

But as he spent more time at his job, he realized, that while Jungkook clearly didn't like him and kept, giving him more and more work... he didn't treat Taehyung unfairly. It wasn't like Jungkook was pushing his work onto Taehyung.

Instead Taehyung was the one that got to take breaks quite often, while Jungkook always busied himself. When he wasn't cleaning out the place or restocking, he walked back into the storage to sort everything there, telling Taehyung to just sit by the check out.

They always worked late so it wasn't like anyone actually ever came so Taehyung just got to do whatever he wanted during those times.

Yeah Jungkook clearly didn't like him and really didn't react well when Taehyung tried to boss him around, which he had unintentionally done quite a lot of times, especially in the beginning, but he wasn't mean to Taehyung.

And to some extent, Taehyung who hardly ever listened to anyone, had a bit of respect for Jungkook. Because the boy always seemed to be on top of things. Never let himself be thrown off by anything.

Worked diligently and knew exactly how to talk to customers in a way that they left the store, happy and content.

Even though he didn't like Taehyung, he would always take his time to explain things to him if he asked, and even repeat them when needed. There was no judgment even if Taehyung had to ask the same stupid question a bunch of times.

And Taehyung found himself not hating working there as much as he had expected. The job overall was pretty relaxed. There wasn't too much to do and as long as there wasn't anything urgent Taehyung could mostly do what he wanted.

Jungkook didn't say anything when he caught Taehyung on his phone during the shift, or simply woke him up by tapping his shoulder when he found him asleep behind the register.

Hell, at some point he even asked him why he was tired and whether he'd like to leave earlier.

But as nice as Jungkook was being, it was the polite kind of nice. And it was more than obvious that Jungkook did hold a certain degree of dislike or grudge against him.

The last thing that Taehyung had noticed the last couple of days, which actually had nothing to do with all of the other stuff, was that Jungkook was gay and either had a bunch of boyfriends, or there were a bunch of guys after his ass.

Not one single day on the shift had passed with no touchy feely visitors. The first time it had happened had confused the fuck out of Taehyung. Jungkook had been on his break, smoking outside, where he was perfectly visible from the register where Taehyung was sitting.

A guy had approached him, and Taehyung at first expected him to be one of the customers, but instead of entering the small store, he started talking to Jungkook, who, judging by his posture and the way he continued to blow smoke into the air, knew the guy.

When the guy leaned in, giving Jungkook's ass a firm squeeze before whispering something into his ear, and Jungkook just nodded, Taehyung had come to the conclusion that Jungkook was gay and did have a boyfriend. Quite interesting, since Taehyung did not know a lot of guys who were out of the closet, but, in his opinion, all right. It was Jungkook's choice and he wasn't hurting anyone with it.

Well, the next day, Jungkook got another visitor. At first, Taehyung though it was the same guy, but his hair was longer than the last one's short, shaven one. He talked to Jungkook, who looked a bit more dismissive than he had the day before, but around the end, he seemed to somewhat give in, and Taehyung watched as the guy leaned in and pretty much ghosted his lips over Jungkook's, who pushed him away before saying something, and the guy disappeared.

The next one actually happened that same day. Jungkook was back in the store checking on the expiry dates on the milk containers when a guy entered, looking a lot more buff than the first two. Jungkook's whole demeanor changed when he noticed the man. They talked rather quietly. The only words Taehyung could filter out were 'not here' and 'later'.

Jungkook had almost seemed relieved when the guy left, quickly sending a glance towards Taehyung, who had stared back before returning to reading the book he had brought since there was quite a lot of time here to just sit around.

Back to the present. After all that had happened the last couple of days, Taehyung certainly wasn't surprised when he entered the main area of the store after changing into the work uniform, which was still more than disgusting to wear, and there was Jungkook, reaching for one of the higher stored items, and a guy behind him, not that low-key grinding into him.

Jungkook looked more than annoyed with the situation, but Taehyung certainly was surprised when Jungkook spun around before pushing the guy back into the opposite shelf. Clearly not expecting the shove, the guy tumbled over his own feet and the only thing stopping him from falling to the floor was Jungkook grabbing him by the collar and pushing him against the shelf. Taehyung low key felt anxiety about the things being stored on it, but soon forgot about it when he saw Jungkook grab the guy's crotch through his jeans, making the guy whimper, and it was certainly not in pleasure.

"I... told... you... to... fuck... off..." Jungkook snarled at him and Taehyung could feel a shiver run down his spine.

"You're on the blacklist because you fucked up. That's not my problem. So, if you show up around here one more time I'll smash your balls... we're clear?" Taehyung had never heard Jungkook talk in that kind of authoritative tone and it was pretty damn impressive.

The guy nodded hastily and Jungkook let go before pushing him towards the entrance. Stumbling a couple of steps, the guy quickly passed Taehyung, who just stood there staring at Jungkook.

Just now Jungkook seemed to notice him. He seemingly contemplated whether to say something, but apparently decided against it, quickly turning around and continuing with his work.

Taehyung wasn't going to let him though.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" Jungkook asked without looking back at him.

Taehyung groaned. "Come on, don't act like nothing happened just now. Who was that guy? Why was he here? What blacklist?"

Jungkook bit his lip, looking into Taehyung's direction, obviously unsure of what to say. "Nothing."

"You know damn well that I won't take 'nothing' for an answer."

Jungkook glared at him for a second, before crossing his arms and turning around, cocking his head almost provocatively. "He's one of my costumers. Gets to fuck me for money. At least used to. Did some stuff that wasn't part of the deal. Of course, now he's regretting it. But that's how stuff is."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung in a way that made Taehyung aware of how much he was expecting Taehyung to judge him.

Taehyung hesitated for a second, but decided on asking anyway. He wasn't the type to let an opportunity pass and regret it later.

"How much?"

Jungkook looked at him confusedly. "What?"

"How much for a night?"


Am I weird for loving Jungkook in this story?😂

Another update will be coming in a couple of hours💜

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