Chapter 68

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Chapter 68


„Sooo what you're trying to say is that even though you repeated exactly what he had said before, he complained that he meant something entirely different? Sounds legit." Yoongi stated sipping on his drink. Jimin was sitting next to him, their feet touching every once in a while, while Yoongi was talking to Jungkook.

"Yeah, it was ridiculous. He said. 'But I want us to become something serious?' and I asked 'You want this to become something serious?' and he was like 'Nooooo you don't understand.'." Jungkook said mimicking two different voices.

Taehyung looked a bit uncomfortable next to him, but didn't say anything. Just rested his arm on Jungkook's waist and listened.

"But don't you understand it? He didn't mean it as in 'I want us to become something serious.' He meant it as 'I want us to become something serious.' There's a huge difference." Yoongi chuckled and Jungkook laughed.

"I guess I really didn't get it at the time." He turned towards Taehyung, raising a questioning eyebrow. "What's wrong? Why are you poking me?"

Taehyung chuckled at the weird choice of words. "You rejected him?"

"Of course I did." Yoongi watched the interaction. From what he had seen so far Taehyung seemed pretty damn smitten while Jungkook... well Jungkook was treating Taehyung like his little brother. Which Yoongi wasn't quite sure whether it was a good thing or not.

"Why?" Taehyung asked, grabbing Jungkook's hand underneath the table.

"Because he was a client."

"But I am too."

"He was an asshole client. And you know I need my job. He probably just wanted me to himself for free, without having to do his part in the relationship."

Taehyung nodded hesitantly. "Okay."

Uffff there was quite some tension in the air. Yoongi was sure even Jimin noticed by the way he raised an eyebrow. Knowing it was not their thing to take care of, Yoongi turned towards Jimin to let them have their privacy.

"So how has your day been?"

Jimin leant back, closing his eyes. They were sitting in the cafeteria, at the small table that had once been Jimin's but now was the place all of them ate at. "Alright. I'm a bit exhausted. Didn't sleep all that well last night."

"Why?" Yoongi asked, a bit worried.

"Just thought about a couple of things." Jimin stated, before taking in a deep breath. "Because my parents have been out a lot lately so I've been a bit lonely, I guess? My parents' place feels really empty."

"If you want you can stay over at mine for a couple of days." Yoongi suggested, patting Jimin's leg soothingly. "I want you to sleep well."

Leaning his head against Yoongi's shoulder Jimin sighed. People were watching. Yoongi knew. They always were. But at this point Jimin really didn't seem to give any fucks about it. He didn't kiss Yoongi at school or something like that, but he treated him just like he always did. "Would be nice... You should come to my place too though... Not now, just someday." Jimin stated, closing his eyes. "I could make you some food for a change."

"I'd love to see that happen someday." Yoongi teased, before grabbing his lunchbox. "By the way... I got something you have to try today. You said you don't like fruits in normal meals but I kind of want you to try this." He opened the lid, revealing rice and some sort of sauce that had vegetables, chicken and some mango in it.

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