Chapter 91 | Smut

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Chapter 91


The next day passed by a lot quicker than both of them had anticipated. They overslept and only woke up around noon. Jimin suggested they should go eat some barbeque, since Daegu was well known for it. Yoongi gave in, so they spent another two hours roaming around the town, searching for a restaurant and then eating there.

When they started into the direction of Busan, it was already three pm, and when they actually reached the beach they had planned to visit, they had used Google Earth to determine which one was the most beautiful one, it was around five pm. Not that either of them minded. They actually liked the idea of swimming in the evening instead of throughout the day.

There was something thrilling about doing it, so instead of getting into their swimwear, both of them prepared their dinner... just some rice and the remainings of the food Yoongi had prepared for the two of them. It was the second to last day of their trip, after all. Jimin couldn't believe four days had already passed and they would drive back home tomorrow.

The road trip had been amazing. He really got what Yoongi meant when he said there was a difference between paying for something with your own money or your parents'. Jimin liked trying to stay as cheap as possible; everything they did decide to pay money for ended up being ten times more worth it. Everything they bought, be it some candy or street food, felt special.

"Look what I found." Yoongi chucked some melon bread at Jimin.

Jimin smiled, unwrapping it. "Thanks." He took a big bite.

"I'm sad it's already over tomorrow." Yoongi stated, Jimin's exact thoughts from seconds ago, while sitting down in the back of the car, next to Jimin.

"It is... but we're gonna have fun in Seoul, too, when Jungkook and Tae are there as well. Damn, I never thought I'd say that but I miss them. The next holiday we go on will be with those two, okay?" Jimin suggested, tearing the melon bread into two halves and handing Yoongi the slightly bigger one.

"Sure." Yoongi smiled, patting Jimin's leg and getting up again. "Dusk is coming. We should hurry. I like some twilight while bathing, but certainly not complete darkness." He grabbed his trunks, Jimin still laughed every time he saw the skull print, and then disappeared into the darkness to change. Jimin wondered how long it would take them to get comfortable around each other... when they'd maybe start undressing in front of the other.

Jimin suddenly remembered the porn that he kept pushing to the back of his mind. He'd really have to gather the courage to watch it sometime. Especially after popping a boner while making out with Yoongi just days ago.

He put the melon bread down, back into the plastic wrapping, and then climbed into the small bus to get changed. When he left it again, Yoongi was already waiting by the water, waving at him with a wide smile on his lips. Behind him, the sky was a dark orange. It was probably just a matter of minutes until it was too dark to go into the water.

"Last one to make it to the water sucks in bed." Yoongi yelled teasingly before jogging towards the water. Jimin laughed, following right after him.

Their stay inside certainly didn't last long. Both Jimin and Yoongi weren't the most cold resistant and quickly dried off again just minutes after jumping into the dark, cold wet. Jimin couldn't stop himself from smiling the whole time. He was shaking because of the cold and his teeth were chattering, but the smile on his face stayed.

Yoongi helped him dry his hair off in the bus and Jimin helped him do the same afterwards. They sat there in comfortable silence, touching each other in such a natural, comfortable way that Jimin didn't even think about it twice when Yoongi started placing soft kisses over his neck.

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