Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


"I'm not even exaggerating... this is the shit." Jimin stated, biting into a slice of pizza they had gotten on their way there and staring into the distance. They were both sitting on a rooftop Yoongi had found a couple of days ago. He had been searching for a spot where he could let his mind run free in peace, and what was more fitting than a small empty balcony in the middle of busy Seoul.

"I'm glad you like it." Yoongi admitted, grabbing a second slice of their shared pizza and taking a bite.

"I do." Of course, Jimin didn't mention that the skyscraper did kind of belong to his father. Honestly, he was pretty content with Yoongi knowing that Jimin did have money, but no idea of how much it actually was.

"Soooo... let the awkward silence begin." Yoongi joked, leaning back and closing his eyes, an amused smile on his lips.

"Hey, we're gonna do this, okay? It can't be that hard, right?"

"Yeeeeah, sure. Whatever you say." Yoongi's tone was skeptical. "So... I don't know... what do we usually talk about? I'm having a blackout. "

"Well, usually I tell you about my day in detail, and after that, you give me a half-assed 'that's cool' and 'nothing happened' on your side." Jimin commented, smirking at Yoongi in a provoking manner.

"Yeah? Well, then go ahead, tell me about your day. You're the one who actually has a life and experiences stuff." Jimin couldn't help but smile when Yoongi grinned at him.

"No, I don't." He shot back, but nevertheless jumped into explaining how just hours ago he had been the only one who apparently understood what the math teacher had been talking about right away.

"Oh, right, and Tae broke up with his girlfriend yesterday... luckily... that girl was a fucking leech." Jimin explained.

"How so?"

"Just the usual stuff." They were almost done with their pizza, which meant they'd soon massacre the Ben and Jerry's ice Jimin had not been able to contain himself from buying.

"Usual stuff?" Yoongi asked, raising a confused eyebrow. Another couple of seconds passed before Jimin's mouth formed an o shape, when he realized that, well, Yoongi didn't really suffer from the same things he did, which also meant that he didn't know how people usually treated people like Jimin.

"Sorry. I'm used to talking to Tae about this. Um, the usual stuff is kind of... mainly friends and partners trying to use you in every way possible. They try to get presents and beg for money any chance they get. You can pretty much tell them that you don't like it to their face and they won't stop hinting." He thought for a couple of seconds. "They also try to go to your place all the time because they think it's their right and you have, like, zero privacy. At some point, if they get comfortable enough around you, they'll follow you around everywhere else, too, to make sure that they don't get left behind.

With girlfriends, there's also jealousy because the idea of you finding someone else and them losing their cash cow is a nightmare. It's just annoying. I can't even describe how bad it is." While talking, he was tapping his finger on the floor, never quite meeting Yoongi's eyes. He hadn't talked about this to anyone but Tae, on one hand, because he had never had someone he could have talked to about it to begin with, and on the other hand, because he was scared of the reaction he was going to get.

After all, what he was relating was kind of a ridiculous problem. Yoongi was probably going to laugh at what a poor thing Jimin was for having too much money and people wanting to be friends with him because of it. Hell, most people even thought it was a dream life.

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