Chapter 67

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Chapter 67


„Wait, that's seriously yours?" Both Jimin and Yoongi were a bit drunk. Not a bad kind of drunk. Just happy honest drunk.

"Yeah, it is." Yoongi said, grinning proudly. His phone playing one of the few songs he had produced with Namjoon when he was younger. Jimin looked pretty damn impressed. "You're amazing. That sounds legit."

"Legit?" Yoongi was laughing with his stomach at the choice of Jimin's words. The boy was sweet. Weird but sweet.

"Legit." Jimin repeated, before taking a sip of his now almost empty bottle. "You sound like you're rapping for a living. That's so cool."

"There was a time where I would hope that someday I could." The older admitted, running his hand through his hair before crossing his legs. "It's hard, you know. Namjoon managed to do it somehow. He made a couple of songs, got some attention and is now able to somehow provide enough money for rent and food. But is he happy? Nah. Making what you love your job can ruin it for you. Suddenly it's no longer 'I wanna write my feelings down'. It's 'I gotta feel something I can write down because if not I won't be able to eat dinner'."

Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line. "And if you continue doing it as a hobby?"

"I will, probably. I just hope I'll have a job that leaves me with enough time to do something on the side too." Yoongi explained. "Life is a shitshow." It didn't even sound bitter. Just exhausted. And drunk.

Frowning Jimin leant forward. "It doesn't have to be. Mine isn't anymore. I'm happy now." They were both intoxicated enough to wear their feelings on their sleeves. Plainly visible for the other. "Thanks to you."

"I'm glad. Honestly. You deserve being happy." Yoongi said, smiling softly before reaching over and patting Jimin's cheek. "You're such a good natured person... you've just been through some shit you never should have had to go through." Yoongi hesitated. "Please don't feel guilty about shit that happened in the past. What matters is who you are now, okay?"

Nodding Jimin leant into the touch. "I'll try. And I'll make you happy too. I swear."

Yoongi sighed. "I'm not sure if that works. I'm happy when I'm with you. It's just, being pessimistic and sad has become such a regular thing that I feel like it's part of my character at this point."

"I won't let you. I'll help you fulfill your dream of producing your own stuff and make you happy as much as I can." Jimin stated enthusiastically. "I can do it."

"Thanks." The smile Jimin received from Yoongi was worth any struggle he might have in the future with making sure to keep his promise.

"Come on, let's do something against this depressing atmosphere. I know my songs are a bit depressing, but that doesn't mean we have to follow their lead." The older joked, grabbing his phone to turn the music off.

Jimin gestured for him to stop. "Who's that?" There was a warm female voice singing along with Yoongi's rap. Her voice was beautiful.

"Ah, that's my ex. She decided to do music too, after high school, so I asked her if she was interested in doing a collab with me. Does it bother you?" Yoongi asked softly, but Jimin simply shook his head.

"Her voice is amazing. I bet she's really sweet. She sounds like she is." It was such a weird concept. While being sure that she probably had made Yoongi really happy in the past and being thankful to her for that, Jimin felt the slightest tingle of jealousy. She had known Yoongi throughout a time of his life he would never get the chance to see.

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