Chapter 52

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Chapter 52


"I still can't believe it. Do you really think you might have a crush on him?" Jessie asked, grinning widely and grabbing his arm to walk next to him. They were walking on campus, Jessie once again trying to escape one of the creepy guys that kept following her around.

Jimin groaned. "I don't know. I really don't want to talk about it though. I just like him a lot. As I said, I'm not really sexually attracted, although I am aware that he's attractive."

The smile never left Jessie's face. "You know, even if this doesn't end up being anything, I'm kind of glad you're having your first proper crush."

"It's not 'even if it doesn't end up being anything'. Nothing will happen. Neither of us is interested in a relationship, so please stop talking about it." Jimin complained, snatching his arm from Jessie's hold. The girl frowned and punched Jimin's side. "Not nice."

"As if you are." Jimin simply gave back, pushing his backpack into a more comfortable position before walking straight ahead. Jessie was right beside him when he suddenly bumped shoulders with a guy about his height. Both he and the boy looked up and their eyes met. He was wearing a face mask and had a hoodie pulled deeply over his face. The boy's eyes widened and he quickly moved along, but Jimin stopped dead in his tracks, turning around and watching the boy walk around a corner, talking to a tall, rather skinny, guy...someone Jimin had seen around here a couple of times, but had never come into contact with.

"What are you doing? Are you coming?" He heard Jessie call for him and he turned around, taking a couple of quicker steps to catch up with her again.

"Did you see that guy? The one with the face mask. Do you know him?" There was something so familiar about his eyes, but Jimin couldn't pinpoint what.

Simply shrugging her shoulders, Jessie kept walking. "Have been seeing him around more often, lately. Might be new." Jimin followed her, but his head kept circling around those familiar eyes.

Yoongi, on the other hand, was trying to calm his beating heart and listen to Jungkook rant about how high maintenance abs were. This had been a close call. Had he not worn his facemask, Jimin sure as hell would have recognized him. He was lucky they hadn't met that often in person yet. Otherwise, even the facemask might not have been able to save him.

He'd really have to tell him soon before the boy would find out by accident. It was just... Yoongi still wasn't sure how to go about this. Would he want to spend his breaks with Jimin, everyone within the cafeteria looking at him and wondering what someone like him would have to do with Jimin?

"By the way, Yoongi?"

The older looked up from where he had been staring at his hands, finally concentrating on Jungkook again. "Yeah?"

"I think I need some advice." Jungkook admitted, playing with his sleeves.

Luckily, both of them had about an hour-long break, which is why they walked to a nearby café for some coffee and cake.

"Go ahead. What do you need?" Yoongi picked up a piece of his cake with his fork while listening to Jungkook.

"You remember the guy I told you about? The spoiled one from my job who asked for that weird deal."

Yoongi nodded and Jungkook continued.

"We talked a bit the last couple of days, and he seems like a much more respectable person than I would have guessed in the beginning." Jungkook hesitated, playing with the straw of his drink, looking a bit nervous. "I'm just worried about how this might continue. I feel like, no matter happens, there'll be a bad outcome. One. He could hold onto his 'friends only' policy with just the kissing and I might develop a crush on him over time. Two. He asks for sex and everything ends up awkward,either because he'll feel awkward about it, or because I will. I honestly might like him as a friend, but this deal will probably destroy the whole thing sooner or later, and now I'm worried." Jungkook narrated. Nodding slowly, Yoongi leaned back.

"What about giving it a try? You could ask him out, properly. That way, you'll have an entirely different situation, depending on the answer, but it'll probably be better than the one you're in right now."

The younger made a face. "I don't know. I'm not even sure if I like him like that. I'm more worried about how I might develop something. After all, he keeps asking me for kisses all the time. It's so weird."

"Maybe talk to him. Be honest." Yoongi suggested.

Jungkook groaned. "I'll try." A short silence. "There's another thing I haven't even told you yet."

"Spit it out."

"I hate sex." Yoongi was surprised. After all, it was Jungkook who'd jokingly flirted in the beginning with rather obvious intent.

"You do?"

"I do. It hasn't always been like that. I used to like it. But the whole job thing ruined it for me. It's just not really something pleasurable to me anymore." Jungkook admitted, stirring his coffee. Yoongi nodded slowly, reaching his hand over for Jungkook, who was looking at his plate.

"Again... just talk to him. If he's like you described him, he'll probably be understanding."

"He's paying me... if he wants to, he has every right to."

Instead of saying anything, Yoongi grabbed the menu and hit Jungkook's head with it before putting it back like nothing happened. "That is such a fucking stupid dramatic thing to say. If he doesn't know, he won't be able to adjust to you. If you say nothing and something after that makes you feel bad, that is totally your fault and you're playing victim." Maybe he was being harsh, but he really hated it when people behaved like like that. "Tell him you don't want to do that stuff. Hell, even ask whether he would be willing to try a relationship or real friendship with you. Whatever you want. But don't just take everything in and shut your mouth. If you do, nothing will ever work out the way you want it to and it will be entirely your fault. Not the world that's so unfair to you. Just you."

Almost embarrassed, Jungkook lowered his head. "Maybe you're right."

"Of course I'm right." Yoongi reached over the table and patted Jungkook's hair down. "Communication, sweetheart. Ever hear of it?"


Let's talk about Jimin and his sexuality. I'll just make this bolt statement.

Jimin is pretty straight.

He's never had any interest in guys or the male body at all.

The reason he ended up falling for Yoongi anyways is because Yoongi means a fucking lot to him. So the way he fell in love with him was only emotionally. And unlike a pan person Jimin didn't fall in love with character no matter the gender but instead even though the gender. (If that makes sense)

And I can promise you that Jimin wouldn't be interested in any guy but Yoongi if for example a guy would start flirting with him. Because it's just not his thing. He's not attracted to guys at all.

Just Yoongi.

So let's not say he's gay but instead he's Yoongi-sexual😂💕

And now I'm gonna update because... who cares at this point😂

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