Chapter 59

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Ya'll will fucking love me in approximatly ten minutes<3

Have a good read~

Chapter 59


"Come in." Yoongi said, smiling softly. The bruises on his cheeks were still slightly visible, but the dark blue had turned into a soft yellow, and when you didn't look closely, it was almost invisible.

It had been about a week since Yoongi had left the hospital, and he'd be allowed to move around freely soon. Just not quite yet.

Jimin smiled happily, holding up some take out. "I got you something."

Thanking him, Yoongi took the plastic bag before walking inside, Jimin followed right after, as soon as he had slipped out of his shoes. "Do you want something to drink?" Yoongi yelled from across the kitchen as Jimin stepped through the door. "No, I'm good."

Nodding, Yoongi grabbed a bottle for himself and sat down on the counter. "How's school?"

Jimin hesitated for a moment before getting comfortable in one of the chairs and looking up at Yoongi, who was still sitting on the counter, letting his feet dangle on the side. "Boring as usual. I think Taehyung is dating again, but he doesn't give me any details as to who. I don't know. Maybe it's serious this time."

Yoongi nodded. "By the way. Jessie texted me and told me we're just allowed to be friends because a certain dwarf has prohibited her from hooking up with me. She also said she wasn't referring to your height with dwarf." Yoongi commented, a provoking glint in his eyes. "So, why? Why isn't she allowed to? Are you the slightest bit gay for me?" He joked, and Jimin chuckled awkwardly.

"Of course I am." Jimin winked at Yoongi and the boy laughed, amused, before slipping off the counter, walking over to Jimin and pinching his cheek. "Of course you are, sweetheart."

Jimin could feel his heart skip a beat and did his best to not look as giddy as he felt. This was weird. Being back at Yoongi's place after realizing he certainly had feelings for him was so weird. Especially since Yoongi was still treating him the same way he usually did. He couldn't help but wonder whether he, himself, was behaving strangely.

If he was, Yoongi didn't seem to notice. "Hey, let's go to my room. I'm not that used to walking around this much yet. I get dizzy quite easily." He stated, waving at Jimin to come with him before leaving the room and walking to his own.

Jimin followed after him, feeling a bit lost with how relaxed Yoongi seemed to be. So much progress and time they had spent in getting comfortable around each other, and now Jimin was ruining it again. He bit his lip in mild annoyance at himself.

"Here." Yoongi said slipping under the blankets before lifting them for Jimin to come in too. Hesitating, but being well aware that, once again, it was just a friendly gesture, Jimin got under the covers with him before sitting a bit stiffly next to Yoongi, feeling their legs pressed against each other.

Yoongi picked a movie, leaning back and relaxing right away, while Jimin couldn't help but continue feeling stiff.

For the first time, Jimin grasped the concept of having a crush. The awkward secrecy, the shy glances to the side, and feeling so goddamn happy when seeing your crush. He felt the weirdest type of tingling whenever Yoongi's leg brushed his, and awkwardly did his best to recreate it without looking suspicious.

Yes, Jimin was actually trying not to out himself, but he couldn't help but scoot closer at any chance he got whenever Yoongi wasn't looking, and purposely had his knee a bit closer to Yoongi's than necessary.

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