Chapter 87

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Chapter 87


"I'm fucking cold." Jimin whined, hugging the towel closer to his body. The day had passed a lot quicker than planned. Their original plan had been that they'd drive to Daegu today, but the sun was already setting and they had powered each other out in the water, because somehow being inside the river had brought out the child in both of them.

"Here." Yoongi handed him his own towel too. "I'll grab your clothes for you. Wait here." He got up and Jimin watched him slowly stumbling over the stony path once again. Yoongi got them both of their clothes and carried the backpack back to where they were sitting. After all now everywhere was in shade.

Jimin simply slipped his pants over the swimming trunks since they had dried already anyways. Yoongi followed his example and sat down next to him again. "So what did you think of today? How was it so far?"

"The day was super short and long at the same time. I feel like days have passed already, but it has just been hours. But so far it was amazing. Better than all the holidays I've had so far." Jimin explained, detangling his t-shirt and slipping it over his head.

Yoongi nodded. "Same. It's been a while since I've had so much fun. I mean aside from the time I spend with you. That's almost always just... perfect somehow." His lips curled upwards. "I just enjoy spending time with you."

Jimin could feel warmth flood his stomach at Yoongi's words, his heart beating a bit faster, but before he could say anything Yoongi was already talking again.

"You know... when I was with Suran I had that moment. That one moment when I thought to myself. 'Wow, I love her, I think." but with you there hasn't been that kind of moment." Jimin could feel his stomach drop again, but Yoongi continued. "I've been thinking about it for a while now. And I know why now. With Suran I had my up and downs. Sometimes we'd get along well and sometimes she just annoyed the fuck out of me. But with you I'm just in that constant state of 'wow' to the point where it has become normal. I was waiting for a moment that stands out, when all this time every fucking moment was perfect. Of course nothing stands out when every moment just one ups the other."

Jimin didn't know what to say. Because he knew exactly what Yoongi meant. They had gone into this state of being by each other's side all the time and just domestically making each other happy that there hadn't been that moment of realization. Just like Jimin had never had that moment of 'Oh I'm really in a relationship'. Yoongi just felt right by his side. Like he belonged there. Most times Jimin didn't even think about telling Yoongi things. It just happened, but he was never worried about Yoongi judging him. He just saw him as another part of himself.

He wondered when this had happened. When they had gotten this close.

Yoongi continued talking. "Jimin." A long heavy pause. Jimin could feel his heart drumming in his chest.

"I love you."

"My legs hurt." Jimin complained as they slipped into the van. "Wanna massage me?"

"Sure." Yoongi followed right after him. The back was already made into a bed, so they both sat down on it, Jimin's legs on Yoongi's lap.

"Fuck, I still can't believe this..." Jimin muttered, watching as Yoongi massaged his legs. "Wait, let me try this. I love you."

"I love you too."

A euphoric giggle left Jimin's chest. "This is amazing. Holy shit. I love that feeling. You're saying it back."

"I'm saying it back." Yoongi chuckled light heartedly, pecking Jimin's knee before continuing to massage it. "Sorry for taking this long."

"It's okay. I totally get it." Jimin reassured quickly, dropping onto the makeshift bed. "Fuck I think I fell in love even harder now."

Yoongi laughed, rubbing Jimin's leg before slipping out from underneath it and climbing onto the mattress next to Jimin. "You're the best."

Jimin smiled, his eyes disappearing. "You too. My heart is beating so fast right now. Are we going to sleep now?"

"Too early. I took my laptop with me so we can watch one of the movies I have downloaded." Yoongi sat up again and grabbed it from the front.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Jimin." Yoongi sighed, exasperated, but with a fond undertone.

Jimin laughed again, moving closer and hugging Yoongi's stomach. "I'm not gonna let you go anymore."

"I don't want you to. Maybe aside from when I gotta go use the bathroom." Yoongi joked, placing the laptop on his lap. "So, what movie?"

They spent the remaining evening cuddled up in the back of the van. It wasn't the most comfortable, but neither of them would have complained. Instead they kept pecking each other's cheeks or kissed, missing half of the movie and not caring a tiniest bit.

When the movie was over they just put the laptop to the side before cuddling up to each other properly, with Jimin's head resting on Yoongi's chest.

"Good night."

"Good night." Yoongi pecked the crown of Jimin's head.



A giggle. "I love you."

Yoongi's chest vibrated underneath Jimin when the older laughed. "Love you too. Sweet dreams."

"Fuck. I don't think I'll be able to sleep. My heart is beating too fast."


Love this chapter<3

So something I have to talk to you guys about is on my message bord, but to make it short, I'm really busy lately so I can't promise to always update on time.

Also I'm changing my whole schedule for all my stories to be uploaded either saturday or sunday which also means only one chap a week.

I'm sorry but for more information keep up with my message board. Love you all and thank you for being so understanding!

Also about last chap... I'm seventeen and in a few days eighteen<3

(EDIT: Now 19 and updates still stay the same pffff)

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