To Block Or Not To Block

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"Renee, whats it going to be? Will you be using your block to block any of these single women from dating Dean?" Stephanie asked.

VC-Renee-You know...there are some people id like to block but I just feel as though it would be unfair to Dean. I want him to have a good time with everyone.

"Stephanie, I want Dean to make connections, have fun, get to know the girls. I feel as though if I block someone then he wouldn't have that full experience of what this show is about. Then again, I trust Dean. I don't think I have any reason to be worried about him going on a date with these girls I will not be blocking anyone."

"And Dean? What about you?"

He took a few seconds before he answered.

"I guess, out of respect for her decision, I wont be blocking anyone either."

"Okay. Over to Naomi. Will you be using your block?"

"No. I wont be. I trust Jimmy enough to handle himself. Just like Renee said, I want him to have the full experience. Plus I don't see any girl up there that's threatening to me so....I don't have a reason to be worried."

"Oh please." Alicia quietly remarked, "Honey, you'd be surprised."

"And what about you Jimmy?" Stephanie asked.

"Oh yea I'll use my block on big Otis over there. My girl is going home with that guy for sure." Jimmy said as everyone laughed softly, "Im just kidding. She trusts me and I trust her. Its as simple as that. I wont be using any blocks."

"Awesome. So what about you Becky?"

"I think if I do use my block then i'll be defeating the purpose of the show so no, im not going to use my block on anyone."


"Me neither."


VC-Alexa-Ugh this is such a hard decision to make. AJ and I didn't really get enough time to talk it through. I would just love to block Mickie just because I can but....I don't know if I should. I trust AJ. I trust him with my life.

"One thing AJ has proven to me is that he's very loyal. We've spent time apart multiple times and he has remained faithful. Blocking someone just wont make any sense. I know in the end, no matter what, he's coming back to me so no, I wont be using my block."

"She's forgetting that I once had my tongue down his throat. And he liked it." Paige whispered to Vanessa.

"And what about you AJ?"

"We're here to find answers arent we? Blocking someone isnt going to help us do that. I want her to have the full experience of this whole thing so no I wont be using my block on anyone."

VC-AJ-Really wanted to block that Dash guy but something was telling me not too.

"Okay so Sasha? Will you be using your block?"

Sasha hesitated.

VC-Sasha-I totally understand why these couples are choosing not to block anyone but....I just don't side with them on that.Although.... I feel like if I do block someone then im going to be seen as insecure and jealous or whatever. Like, im not. I just don't want anyone alone with my man. Ugh.....this is hard.

"I will." she gritted her teeth, "Sorry babe."

Roman was a bit surprised that she decided to use her block. To him, it was a sign of her not trusting him.

"She has every right to be worried I can tell you that." Bianca quietly said.

"Okay. Let me explain how this is going to work." said Stephanie, "When you, the couples, came onto the island, each pair of you were given special beaded, color coded necklaces to wear. The person you choose to block will also now have to wear a necklace just like yours to represent you."

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