Jealousy Is In The Air

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The Girls' Villa

19th, June 2019

9:01 AM

VC-Buddy-I got up this morning, came downstairs to the living room..... only to see Adam and Alexa asleep on the couch in each other's arms. *scratches head* It-it sorta stings a little you know.....

After returning from the confessional room  last night, the two had ended up crashing on the couch together. They were still in their clubbing outfits (minus their shoes and Adam's shirt).

"Jeez, get a room you guys." said Sami as he walked passed the couch.

"Well, it seemed like Alexa and Adam got along great last night." said Buddy as he entered the kitchen.

"More than great." responded Renee, "They had their tongues down each other's throats the whole night."

He sighed, "Well, at least I tried with her, right?"

"You're really going to let Adam get in your way bro?" asked Matt, biting into a slice of pizza.

"I don't think I have a choice."

"Bro, if you know what you want....then go get it man. Don't let anybody stop you. Just because she was kissing Adam doesn't mean its over for you." he advised.

"You two had something going on?" Renee asked.

"Not really but, we had gotten to know each other and...I really liked her. I mean, she's here for her, not for me. I don't think I have a right to chase after her."

"Nonsense man. I don't like that attitude." said Matt.

VC-Buddy-I don't know how else to think to be honest. I really liked her. But if she wants to explore things with Adam then who am I to come in between that. The other thing is, she still has a boyfriend so why am I eating my heart out?

VC-Braun-Its clear that Lex has her attention on multiple guys here. Her and I made up after the whole incident last week so we're on good terms now. I thought that this was my chance to redeem myself and rekindle the connection we had but she's making connections with a bunch of different guys in the house. I understand that she has to do that but....I kinda thought I had the upper hand.

11:34 PM

Renee, Cesaro and Naomi was seen sitting by the pool.

"I keep thinking back to the clip I saw of Dean. I never expected him to be that way. He's like a whole different person." said Renee.

"Those girls gotta be working some kind of black magic on those guys because they're acting ridiculous."Said Naomi.

"I really don't know what to think anymore." said Renee.

"How far is too far for you girls?" Cesaro asked.

"What do you mean?" Naomi responded.

"When it comes to Dean and Jimmy. What is something that they may do that is going to cross the line?"

"Well he's already kissing other girls so he's already crossed a line. But definitely if he has sex with someone." said Renee.

"If Jimmy so much as kiss that blond bitch I'm going to start considering divorce." said Naomi.

"Wow." said Cesaro.

"Yes girl." Renee agreed.

"I don't care what the circumstances are. If he gives in and kisses her or he allows her to kiss him then that goes to show that he's a weak man when it comes to temptation. I am not about to have another woman get a taste of my husband. He better straighten up if he doesn't want any problems."

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