Third Dates pt 2

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"They just love having me do this huh?" Finn twisted his mouth as he saw what was about to be their third date

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"They just love having me do this huh?" Finn twisted his mouth as he saw what was about to be their third date.

The six couples were all brought to a lake where they saw six, two seater kayaks lined up for them

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The six couples were all brought to a lake where they saw six, two seater kayaks lined up for them.

"Don't worry pal, Paige isn't here this time. You won't almost die again." AJ jokingly said to Finn referring to the near death experience he faced two years ago.

VC-Finn-For our date we're going kayaking.....great....I absolutely looove doing this.

The couples all mounted a kayak and set off across the lake waters. Each couple steered their kayak in different routes to avoid collision.

"Have you ever been kayaking before?" Dean asked Nia from the back where he sat.

"Actually, no. First time. And I'm so happy to be doing it with you." she smiled.

"Well you're lucky you're in the hands of a pro."

"You do this often?"

"Just did it once. But I'm classified as a pro."

Nia giggled, "Okay I hear you Mr.Ambrose."

"Man, you got some muscles on you girl." AJ said to Lacey, noticing her biceps as she rowed.

"Some? Darlin' you aint seen nothing yet."

Taynara turned herself around in her seat to face Finn who was sitting behind her.

"So, tell me about yourself, Finn." She said.

"You know, when people ask me to tell them about myself, thats when I usually forget everything about myself."

"So do I." she laughed, "So what do you do for work?"

"Challenges."He said, "Just kidding. Well a few years ago I used to play professional football or as everyone calls it, soccer. I also used to work the front desk at a gym back in Ireland. But now, I'm living off of the money I've won on the first Challenge and Are You The One. Currently, I'm going to school to learn how to do special effects makeup and body art. My goal is to do special effects makeup for big blockbuster films one day."

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