Bonfire 2:1

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*Totally forgot to mention that when the singles get voted off, they all go to a separate island called Fantasy Island where they all stay for the remainder of the show.


10th June

9:54 PM


The six women all filed onto the bonfire set where they saw Stephanie already waiting

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The six women all filed onto the bonfire set where they saw Stephanie already waiting.

"Hello ladies." she smiled.

They each waved at her and took a seat.

VC-Naomi-We're back at bonfire and.....once again im nervous. We're all nervous. We have no clue whats waiting for us on that footage.

The air was chilly. The crackling of the bonfire made the atmosphere even more tense than it already was.

"Welcome back to bonfire everyone. You know exactly what goes down here. Before we get to that, how has things been so far with you all? Has anyone made connections? Has anyone had any sparks with anyone? Fill me in." Stephanie asked.

"We're all making connections id say. Its only been ten days so its still pretty early. Its fair to say that none of us have made that deep connection with anyone yet. We're all dipping our toes in the water still." Renee said.

"Ive made a friend actually. Braun. He's my strongest connection so far but only on a friendly level." said Alexa.

"What about you Sasha?" Stephanie asked, "How has this experience been going for you so far?"

She took a deep breath before she spoke, "Um...I havent really made a real connection with anyone. Its kind of difficult to even try when Roman is on the back of my mind everyday. I try to block him out a worrier. I worry a lot. I really want to have a good time and have fun but....I feel like half of me is missing. Ive been pretty dull these days and I hate it but...what can I do? I hope eventually I work my way out of it."

"I hope you work your way out of it too. I know this experience isn't ideal to everybody but its a once in a lifetime experience. As one of the producers of the show I really want you to soak up every bit of what it has to offer." Stephanie said. Sasha nodded.

"With that being said, why don't we start with the clips. Naomi, you're up first."

Naomi rubbed her hands together and smiled, "Oh boy."

"Will you be watching it with the girls or by yourself?"

"I'll watch it with everyone."

"Press play when you're ready." Stephanie handed her the iPad. All the girls gathered closer around her.

She pressed play.

/"So do you really think you can resist temptation for three more weeks?" Carmella asked Jimmy.

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