New Beginnings

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The other guys trailed off to the SUV while Dean and Roman stayed behind.

"Talk to me man. Whats up?" Roman said.

Dean kept pacing up and down with his hands on his head, "What am I doing. Im so fucking stupid."

Roman's eyebrows knitted.

Dean stooped down. He sighed.

"I have been fighting all this time for something that never was going to make it. Im such an idiot. Paige was right." he said.

"What are you talking about?"

He stood back up, "You saw the clip! Renee is just here to dump me off. She's here to find somebody better."

"I don't think thats true-"

"You heard what she said! Why am I even bothering. God, im so stupid to think that she was going to fight for us. Im here, trying not to screw things up and she's there just putting me down. Its obvious what she's here to do. Ive been acting like an ass because I thought I was doing something right. But in the going to be the one looking like a fool."

"Im glad you realized that you were acting stupid but I think you're overthinking the situation."

"Roman.....she's not happy with me. Her family hates me. She doesn't want me to get to know them. Im not her ideal type. Im not on her 'level'. Renee is going to end up finding somebody else while she's there. Either that or she's going to realize that she really doesn't want me back in her life. What the hell am I fighting for then? If this is all going to come to shit in the end then it makes no sense. Why am I trying to avoid screwing things up? She wanted to come on this show to get rid of me. Im such an idiot to think that we were here to 'strengthen' our relationship." he said as paced.

Roman sighed, " not encouraging you to think that way at all. Don't make these assumptions based on a 20 second clip you saw."

"Its too late man. Im over it. Im going to start fresh. In the ass is going to get thrown away so.....fuck it. I don't care anymore." he said before he walked off.

Roman stood by himself, watching as Dean walked away back to the SUV.

VC-Roman-I think Dean has officially lost his mind.


The Girls' Villa

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The Girls' Villa

12:03 AM

The girls had just arrived back to their villa.

"So ladies, how was bonfire?" Sami asked as they entered through the backyard.

Sami, Braun, Drew, Matt and Dash were around a table, playing cards.

"I don't even want to talk about it." Sasha said as she walked passed them.

"Uh oh. That doesn't sound good." said Sami.

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