Fifth Dates

792 34 12

23rd June, 2019

1:35 PM

"Do we have to take all of our clothes off?" Roman asked the masseuse.

"Yes, your underwear too." the fifty two year old masseuse said.

"Okaaaay I see what you're trying to do girl." Zelina teased her.

"She's tryna see the goods." said Roman.

The masseuse laughed.

VC-Roman-Today we are on our final date before our actual final date. For the date today we're getting a couples massage.

Each couple got their own masseuses and their own private room which was situated outdoors

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Each couple got their own masseuses and their own private room which was situated outdoors.

They weren't getting ordinary massages, they were getting a total body mud treatment

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They weren't getting ordinary massages, they were getting a total body mud treatment. In order for that to happen every article of clothing needed to be off to avoid messing it up with mud. However, they would be given a disposable plastic underwear to make them feel more comfortable.

"All this partying and flirting sure does make me tense. I definitely need this." said Seth as he took off his shirt.

As everyone got undressed, the masseuses drew the curtains to ensure privacy and comfort.

"Its a good thing we went skinny dipping on our last dates huh. This isn't awkward at all." said Liv, pulling down her shorts.

"Nope. Not awkward at all." Dean responded.

VC-Liv-I wish I was the one about to give Dean the massage instead.

"Okay turn around." said Bayley to Finn.

He turned around and she quickly took off her under garments and slipped on her disposable underwear.

"Alright I'm done."

He turned back around to face her.

VC-Bayley-This date is pretttty intimate, not gonna lie. We're basically like, naked in front of each other.

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